The Organization is so deceitful that they will tell the Watchtower readers that the elders should deal mercifully with wrongdoers but in private letters or correspondence thru the Circuit Overseers, they will tell the elders NOT to allow "leaven" within their midst. They say it's better to disfellowship and see whether someone's truly repentant afterwards rather than taking a chance to contaminate the congregation.......Another example of their being two-faced is that they will tell the brotherhood not to buy homes, cars, vacations, etc. unnecessarily as it could signal materialism, yet the Watchtower Society spends more money on real estate than we could ever possibly imagine but it's ok for them..........Can you think of other things that show that the Organization is hypocritical???
They Tell The Elders One Thing And The Others Something Else!
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Another example of their being two-faced is that they will tell the brotherhood not to buy homes, cars, vacations, etc. unnecessarily as it could signal materialism
This reminds me of the elders who, from the platform, encouraged™ others to work part time and pioneer™. These were the same elders who had good full time jobs, big houses, expensive cars, and 2 vacations in the tropics every year.
Yeah.............the elders preach to pioneer while they don't. How about elders preaching how important the ministry is while they ride around talking?
How about elders preaching how important the ministry is while they ride around talking?
Why not? If most of them are businessmen, as they were in my congregation, they probably do the same thing in their secular lives; do little real work and sit in offices jawing with each other all day long while others do all the real work. (Not saying all are like that.)
It comes from an assumption of superiority and the assumed perks that go along with it.
They tell the rank-and-file not to doubt at all, always accept everything printed.
Then they turn around and offer some "new light", which they admit is not inspired. So who is it that the "do not doubt what is written" command doesn't apply to? The Governing Body, are they the ones allowed to doubt?
SOMEBODY's got to be doubting, or there would never be any New Light.
I wonder what other commands printed in the Watchtower don't apply to this special allowed-to-doubt person/group?...
The Watchtower states that if you vote or take a blood transfusion, it is a "conscience matter". Matters of conscience were never grounds for shunning. Yet if you do vote or take blood---it is far from a conscience matter. You will be shunned!
Discouraging in the strongest manner Education and Going to College, but at the same time sending (and paying!) some of their people to school to become lawyers and engineers.
It is ALL about what The Watchtower needs. If they need lawywers, send some people off to school. Construction lagging due to a lack of qualified engineers? No problem, send a brother off to engineering school.
Then, to top this off, they tell people who know that the Watchtower has been sending people to school not to say anything about it! Why? Because "Some of the Friends might not understand why we are sending people to school"!!!!
Last thing i read said that voting was a CM, but that you would be accountable for the mistakes and actions of the person you voted for. I don't think they'll D'f for it.
Vote in the USA and you will be disassociating yourself.......VM44, very true comments! If it suits them, a different standard is made.
I agree - voting or joining a political party is still considered an act for which you'll be disfellowshipped. Anyone have something new on this?