"You didn't answer my question, Rex. If I change "women" to "blacks" in those two quotes from you, would you see that they contradict each other?"
Third time's a charm? Care to finally answer it, Rex?
by Seeker4 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"You didn't answer my question, Rex. If I change "women" to "blacks" in those two quotes from you, would you see that they contradict each other?"
Third time's a charm? Care to finally answer it, Rex?
Your question is one that you set up as a catch-22 that Rosarian himself would be aghast at. I have tried to get you to DO SOME RESEARCH into the historical background of Corinth. I am not going to explain it to you. You ask me to assume prejudice was the intent and the key to this question is in the historical/cultural background. This is also a text that was probably inserted by redactors. Narkisos quite rightly pointed this out to a me awhile back. If people have used it as a stand alone verse to justify 'Lording it over' women then I am not respondible for that. AGAIN, the pastoral office (I believe) is exclusive to men by scriptural decree. I do not apologize for this and I also do not believe it is any sort of prejudice to do so.
Hey Bek,
God chose to exclude me and all other men from the biological ability to have children. What's up with that? He enforced that biologically and He choses all of the other roles that we have in life, as well as our abilities. There are plenty of Christian denominations who do not see this exclusion as valid, so be it. When it comes to scriptural teachings we are obligated to follow the teachings that we believe are valid. If the church you belong to does not fit your understanding of scripture on an important subject then all you have to do is go on to another one that does. I am not under any illusion that I am right on everything or even most things. BTW, you ignored my points on this discussion. Look into the background of Corinth for the verses that Dave highlighted and then look into the wording that Paul uses in 1 Timothy and Titus. This is where we see the exclusion of pastoral office.
What keeps you from figuring out that I am not advocating the legalistic hogwash of the JW cult? What absurd idea would lead me to ask this question: If a man speaks in the forest and no woman hears him is he still wrong? LOL BTW, quit thinking with your emotions. People might think you believed the biological facts of nature that God created you with!!! :-)
Star!!! Way to go on the answer.
Rex, AA, Swan, etc. -
Appreciate the comments. Rex, maybe I should re-examine Paul's comments in the light of yours. But even the idea that women could not hold the office of pastor, and your comment about biological realities - both make me wonder. The Witnesses taught that women couldn't be an elder or teach because of being the weaker sex emotionally - which is just utter nonsense.
Sorry Rex, I didn't catch that you'd answered this post.
I wasn't pointing out anything Paul said, I was pointing out something you said. Here are your words:
Women are only prohibited from holding the office of pastor. No one is to be abused or mistreated in any way. Women are not unequal to men but men and women have different roles in NT Biblical teachings.
I asked you how both statements -- 'women are prohibited from being pastor' and 'women are not unequal' -- can both be true. No need to research Corinth or investigate spurious scriptures, I'm asking you a question about your own words.
To help you see how it sounds from my perspective, I asked you to substitute "blacks" for "women" in your statement. No doubt it sounds heinously prejudiced.
So I ask again, how can both of your statements be true?
I just realized this thread had continued also. First off Rex, we will never be able to come to an understanding, because unlike you, I think the bible a fantasy, such as Lord of the Rings. As far as child bearing, that IS a biological limitation. Holding some type of office, or being a leader, is a question of intellect and character. The two do not compare.