My No, Blood card

by ColdRedRain 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Today at school, I saw a dub displaying her no blood card. That gave me the idea to make a card that I can carry around in case, god forbid, I'm found unconcious and I need a blood transfusion, but I might be in the care of a Jehovah's Witness or if my hospital records show me as a Jehovahs Witness.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Neat idea. I've often wondered about creating a similar document especially since some of my past medical records would state my jw stand. Thanks for this. I think I'm going to speak to a lawyer about it.
    tall penguin

  • MsMcDucket

    Cold, can you change it to "Not a JW". I think when they first see "No, blood", they may think that you are refusing the blood.

    No offense meant. I like the card, and I want one!

  • ColdRedRain

    Here you go, if needed.

  • Scully

    Good idea!

    If you want to turn this into a strong, legally binding document, you might want to consider calling it an Advance Medical Directive. If there is a prior record of an AMD that states you wish to refuse blood, then you have to create an equally "powerful" document to cancel and supercede the previous one. Considering the statement on the new WTS issued blood cards granting access to your medical records, it would be a very wise idea to state in no uncertain terms that anyone presenting themselves to be members of the Hospital Liaison Committee, Jehovah's Witnesses, or "ministers" are to be excluded from your case and you do not wish to have contact with any visitors other than people you identify on the document.

    The WTS started with a document similar to the one you have, and over the years the AMD / Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care has been implemented to strengthen their position legally. Anyone who has used this kind of document in the past should probably look at drawing up something similar to replace the previous documentation. This is in your best interests, the same way it would be in your best interests after having joint credit cards with a spouse and getting divorced, to make a legal document saying that you are no longer responsible for the debts incurred by the ex-spouse as of the date of the divorce.

  • MsMcDucket

    Thanks Cold! Just what the doctor ordered!

  • Agape_24
  • TallTexan

    Nice......and an excellent idea, especially for those of us who have lived in the same area for a while and been admitted to local hospitals when we were JW's.....

  • lonelysheep

    I like it, CRR. The hospital near me still has me on record as jw. I would never want to be denied blood if in an emergency.

  • LDH

    That has got to be the most hilarious thing I have seen in a while!!!!!

    My mother has her "no blood" card on a giant key fob which dangles from the outside of her purse.

    I really like it!

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