A comment by FunkyDerek really hit my like a lightning bolt. He said of a Christian's morals, "your morals are not high. They are among the basest, most nefarious morals I have ever encountered. They are founded, not on any understanding of human nature, or on concern for individuals or society, but on the mythology and law codes of ancient barbarians."
I know my morals changed after I left JWism and Christianity, but I really thought they "lowered". It never even occurred to me to question who decides what is "high" and what is "low" in terms of morality.
I thought I was amoral -- without morals. But that just isn't true. I don't follow an external moral code, but I surely have things that are right and things that are wrong. Or at the very least, actions that are good and actions that are bad.
I act with the intent to hurt no one. I'll generally sacrifice my own happiness to avoid inflicting unhappiness on someone else. When I see a need, I feel an obligation to assist. On the whole, these feel like high morals to me. I don't hesitate to teach them to my children.
Have you ever batted this high/low thing around before? Do you think you have high morals? Low morals? No morals?