Did you ever have a crush on a married Brother or Sister, and they probably knew about it, just by your actions?
Did you ever have a crush on a married Brother or Sister?
by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends
I found one cute, and sexy...but she was married, but still, always loved to be in her book study, and kept my eyes upon her...
Bad rat.....
Lust is a grand thing................
I did, Judy Bone The nicest, bubbliest, prettiest sister you ever met. I worked for her husband a brother who was really also a nice bloke and one day we were eating lunch and he was moaning about her. Being young and stupid I stopped him and told him off and gushed on and on about how nice she was, probably a bit too much because he ended up telling me that I shouldn't be talking like that about someone else wife
Of course!lol Both! It's like they say...when the fruit is forbidden...
yes, sure have, thats like asking if the sky is blue!!!!!!!!
At bethel there were sooooo many attractive married sisters. I dont know why but some of the dorkiest bethelites really had hotty wives.
dorkiest really had hotty wives
I'm a dork, hope I'll get a hot one.
Judy Bone
te he te he................you said judy BONE
intelligent men are a real turn on for some women()