Fairmind, actually I think what the WTS says is that everyone who stays loyal to their religion and fights against its destruction will be destroyed by the "political elements in the UN." Everyone remaining after that at least outwardly says they are without religion.
w04 2/1 p. 21 "The Scene of This World Is Changing" ***First, the kings of the earth (the political part of Satan’s organization) will turn on the supporters of Babylon the Great (the religious part) and will destroy them. (Revelation 17:1, 15-18)
I do believe that Charles Russell taught that it would only be the organizations that would be destroyed, not the individual members. (statements in the 1917 Finished Mystery not written by CTR are not the basis of my statement. Part of that book was written posthumously by the same person who brought in the concept that vaccinations were bad, Woodsworth and Fisher.)
Love, Blondie