I received this in an e-mail and thought I'd put it out there for comments:
What do you all make of all this? A wonderous thing.
The language Christ and the people around him spoke and wrote was Aramaic - a Semitic language related to Hebrew and Arabic but without a modern form as both of those languages now have. What Christians of all persuasions have used as scripture for two millenia were translations from Greek for the most part and then translations made of translations. None were from Aramaic until the last few years. These recent new translations directly based on the Aramaic plus the incredible discoveries since the WWII of the ancient scrolls unearthed in jars in Egypt and Israel create a radical new vision of the message - a message that was radical in its own time and is still so in ours. In Aramaic, God is a birther, sin means "falling short," and it is our unity with each other that we are most like God.
The Lord's Prayer as translated from the Aramaic by Neil Douglas-Klotz
O, Birther of the Cosmos, focus your light within us -- make it useful
Create your reign of unity now
Your one desire then acts with ours,
As in all light,
So in all forms,
Grant us what we need each day in bread and insight:
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,
As we release the strands we hold of other's guilt.
Don't let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back.
From you is born all ruling will,
The power and the life to do,
The song that beautifies all,
From age to age it renews.
I affirm this with my whole being