So many of you feel the need to slam a poster for spelling errors and grammar. Does it make you feel big and smart?
Don't assume that you are, for example I have taken two comprehension IQ test not the simple internet IQ test but the real IQ test and have received in detail my break down. I tested at 160 in comprehension and math skills but only 100 in language skills which gave me an average of 130. So it makes me laugh at people that feel the need to put some one down for spelling or grammar. Did you know that Einstein had a hard time spelling but yet he was one of the smartest men that has ever lived.
People don't assume that person is dumb because of his grammar or spelling. I bet some of you here are so paranoid that you type everything down in WORD then copy and paste. To me that is a waste of time but they do this so you wont slam them.