To set the stage:
This is an excerpt from a book Ghost Towns of Michigan.
The following is a letter that was sent by a man in Deward, Michigan in 1903.
Cleveland Saw Co. Deward, Mi May 8,1903
Cleveland, Ohio
I got a saw which I buy from you. By why for Gods sakes you doan send ne no handles? I loose to me my jobbing. Wants the use a saw when she doan got no handles? Sure thing you doan got no handles? Sure thing you doan treat me rite. I rote ten days and my boss he holler for logs like hell for saw. You know it is plenty cold winter now. And the men no pull the saw, she got no handle so what the hell I go go to do with it? With them? With saw? Doan send me the handle pretty quick I goan send her back. I goan get some handle saw from Meyers Company, Good-By!
Yours Truly
Anthony “Push”
Ps. Since I rite you I find de god dam handle in the box. Excuse please.