Ever look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

by AlmostAtheist 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Have you ever had the experience of looking in the mirror and seeing what appeared to be a stranger looking back at you? I don't mean this metaphorically, nor do I mean that you look so disheveled that others wouldn't know you either. I mean you look in the mirror and see what you always see, but today it seems as if you've never seen it before.

    I get this every few months. Despite knowing it happens and despite knowing it's all some trick of my mind, it's disturbing when it happens. Bad enough, in fact, that I find myself consciously avoiding mirrors. It is during these times when I become aware of just how many mirrors there are. Bathrooms, of course. But also elevators. And storefront windows. And many restaurants have mirrors all over the place. Maddening.

    Ever had this experience?


  • daystar

    Dude, yes. But only rarely.

  • LittleToe

    A couple of times when I've shaved my beard off.

    The time it takes to grow allows you to get accustomed to the changes over a long time. Shaving it off is an instant transmogrification.

    Fortunately I adapt quickly, but some poor souls aren't so fortunate

  • Brigid

    Could it be that everything you think you are is just an illusion? I mean "matter" and ergo, "we" are just moleculer/bio-chemical carbon-based structures bound together in certain ways.

    You are at any given time, only who the "person" (the observer) in your "head" says you are (www.whatthebleep.com). So, yes, it is possible to see a different persona in the mirror each time because it's all perception based on illusion. Have you ever stared for a long time in the mirror? Or at another human being? Very telling.

    Or, you could just be going bonkers

    I adore metaphysics,


  • AlmostAtheist
    Or, you could just be going bonkers

    Only half-mad, my dear, just half.

    Oddly, I noticed that even my username looked foreign when I saw it on the screen. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Whoever I am, I hope he's enjoying being me. And I hope he intends to split the cell phone bill!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I don't look in the mirror. Ever since I have been formally "out" I can't look at myself in a mirror.


  • daystar
    Oddly, I noticed that even my username looked foreign when I saw it on the screen. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Ego separation? Have you ever said a word so many times that it becomes separated from its meaning?

  • Elsewhere

    Dave, The problem is that you have actually died and your soul got trapped in the body of another person.

    You *think* you are in your body, but you are really in someone else's body.

  • AlmostAtheist
    You *think* you are in your body, but you are really in someone else's body.

    He was an ugly sum-gun, I'll tell you that right now.

    Ever since I have been formally "out" I can't look at myself in a mirror.

    Why is that, CountryGirl? What's the connection?



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