If contributions to the Watchtower keep falling and expenses rising, then:
1) they will finally end the Awake magazine completely.( good riddance)
2) they may announce that the Watchtower will become an internal publication, thereby reducing its printing down to 9-10 million
per issue.
3) they will announce that the Bible will be used primarily at the doors, along with cheap tracts.
4) the Society will cite "workload simplification" as the reason for stopping the publication of country by country statistics
5) if contributions fall even more, they will announce a new program for local brothers to act as circuit overseers, while downsizing
the number involved in circuit work. This may be encouraged by liability concerns, too.
Thereafter, the "preaching work" will continue to expand in some desperate countries, while fading into irrelevance in Europe,
Australia, Canada and most of the US. Witnesses will keep on claiming the same number of hours but , at this point, even the
Society will consider the claims dubious.