hey maybe I missed something but did the infamous one leave this board? I don't see him listed in the member directory anymore. I was thinking about his story the other day and I realized I haven't seen him around. anybody know what's up with him?
the infamousone - where are you?
by freedomlover 17 Replies latest jw friends
Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Infamous is on a trip. Should be back soon.
ohhhhh. thanks for the update lola.
oh well, if he finds this thread he'll know I was thinking 'bout him!
I will let him know, also I think he forgot his password and login info so he can't get in to post . What does one do when something like that happens?
hmmmm.....I think you need to log in with your username "infamousone" and then have your password sent to you in your regular email box that you have on file with JWD.
try that.....if that doesn't work let us know. I may have missed a step in there....
good luck
I'm so glad you asked FreedomLover because I wondered where he had gone too. Tell him to hurry back Lola..
What happened to Desi too? He appeared around the same time and has also disappeared.
Enigma One
I was wondering where the boy went myself.
You guys are so sweet, I will let him know about this thread. I have no idea what happened to Desi, I will e-mail him and check up.
GUESS WHOS BACK???? BACK AGAIN!!!! woohoo, i am loved and i finally found out how to get back on!!! i love you guys thanks for caring.... ive been longing to be back on the site..... WOOOHOO!
the infamous one