The following scenario is based on research from the writings of
the Jewish prophets, Jeremiah and Daniel and in the New
Testament 1st John, Luke and Revelation. It is the opinion of
this writer that the following scenario will begin very soon.
This opinion is based on research into other areas of
eschatology and does not reflect a declaration of an exact day
or hour however. For this is forbidden!
Bible UFO Prophecy Scenario:
And so because of the alien threat from outer space the nations
of the world unite and through the UN elect the first president
of the newly formed one-world government. The world president,
now having dictatorial powers, gives the order that all alien
saucers that violate the earth's air space be shot down using
the newly developed, multi-megawatt SBL Alpha Laser death-ray.
Sixty-six saucers are shot down and crash to earth because of
this new technology. The alien commander is surprised and filled
with awe and respect because of his adversary, the UN President
(antichrist). The nations of the world are adoringly grateful to
the world president for his effective and saving leadership in
defeating the aliens. They love his strong leadership.
Bible Proof:
Does all this sound like a science fiction story? Not if
you believe in bible prophecy.
In Daniel 8:9,10 (KJV) it states, "and out of one of them came
forth a little horn (antichrist) which waxed exceeding great,
toward the south and toward the east and toward the pleasant
land. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it
cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and
stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince
of the host."
Revelation 13:4 says, "And the world worshipped the beast
(antichrist) saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to
make war with him?"
As more truth about UFOs, alien abductions and UFO crashes come
to light through the world's TV and printed media, the cover-up
crumbles, then fear grips the nations of the world. But God
gives comfort to Israel concerning the alien threat as stated in
Jeremiah 10: 1,2 (GNB)
"People of Israel, listen to the message that the Lord has for
you. He says do not follow the ways of other nations, do not be
disturbed by unusual sights in the sky even though other nations
are terrified."
And in Luke 21:11 GNB) "there will be terrible earthquakes,
famine and plagues (aids, herpes, Ebola flesh eating viruses,
Small Pox, super-killing influenza) everywhere; there will be
strange and terrifying things coming from the sky "(UFOs).
The NEB translations says, "In the sky terrors and great
portents.." The American Standard St. Joseph Edition says,
"Awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky."
The question still arises. Will there indeed be an alien
invasion of earth? The bible seems to hint that the world's
people will perceive that an alien invasion is imminent.
In Luke 21:26 it says, "Men's hearts failing them (cardiac
arrests) for fear and for looking for those things which are
coming on the earth." (KJV)
Could the 1991 NASA STS-48 Starwars footage be a precursor to
Daniel 8:9,10?
Some UFO enthusiasts interpret the STS-48 footage (that was
shown on "Sightings", "Hardcopy", "Encounters", "The Larry King
Show", etc) as several alien spacecraft being fired on by U.S.
Starwars technology (probably Brilliant Pebbles) but missed.
Strangely, in 1991 the Alpha High Energy Laser (HEL) death-ray
demonstrated megawatt class power levels in a low pressure, space operation
the same year as the STS-48 incident, 1991.
Many UFO researchers have wondered, are the extraterrestrials
good or evil? Are they sinners like us? Do they have the ability
to kill, lie, and do all the things that sinners here are
capable of doing?
The bible answers these questions in the affirmative.
In 1st John 5:19 it says, "the whole world lieth in wickedness."
In Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, page 43 in the Greek
Dictionary section, the word "World" in that particular verse
means Kosmos, which is the same as Cosmos or Universe. Therefore
what it really says then is, "The whole universe lieth in
wickedness (sin).
Does the Lord's Word predict an alien attack?
by Franz 13 Replies latest jw friends
The "Lords Word" is evidence that "holy" men smoked some wild sht.
"People of Israel, listen to the message that the Lord has for you. He says do not follow the ways of other nations, do not be disturbed by unusual sights in the sky even though other nations are terrified."
That doesn't mean an alien attack on earth. It means there's going to be an intergalactic battle between two planets. The "nations" are planets, not nations on earth. He told us not to get involved in the intergalactic battle, even though men back then were too stupid to build flying saucers.
defective light
The "Lords Word" is evidence that "holy" men smoked some wild sht.
Which is not all bad as long it was about the size of a large summer sausage! it prolly made wise men......wiser
Aliens started their attack in 1879 with Zions Watchtower. Their fearless leader sporting his ray gun was C.T. Russell.
Nathan Natas
Hey Franz, you ol' Bible Thumper!
I've missed you here wandering the gloomy alleys of Sheol!
How you doing, partner? Remember when we dumped Da Judge in that hole in San Diego? Boy howdy, those were the days! Good to see you again, Brother Franz. I just heard the dinner bell ring, so I gotta go.
I'm on the menu tonight.
Franz, you forgot to start your thread with the most important sentence:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
The lord’s word also says the sun revolves around the earth soooooo… much for it’s understanding of outer space.
I use to roll my creative thinking reality escaping herbs in bible pages to smoke it (they print their bibles using tobacco paper cuz the Bethelites can’t afford Zigzag paper), do you do that or are you a pipe man?
Dave -
I always thought the Old Testament depictions of Yahwehs wars was very alienish. Firery missles from the sky, cities burned up in fire, men appearing out of no where and everyone could tell they weren't human just by looking at them. I have seen some sites that discuss this in detail but I don't remember where. Just always thought if you could pull Christianity out of the Old Testament you could pull aliens out as well.