Marina, this is absolutely fantastic ! Another young mind escaping the JW cult and gaining freedom of mind writing prize winning essays ? Man that's the best ! Best of luck to your granddaughter and she's lucky to have such a supportive grandmother ! Good for you and her
Another Terrific Achievement
by Iown Mylife 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Great News! -
Wow! I wish I had left at 14. She has her whole life ahead of her free of the cult. I lost virtually my entire life to it. -
Iown Mylife
If any people would be able to understand how big of a deal this is, it would be you-alls! - Thank you Mr. Flipper, Magnum, BigMike, Cofty, Zeb, The Searcher, Xanthippe, Garrett, Smiddy, Simon and Crazyguy!
I'm so grateful for you all and appreciate you cheering for us.
Magnum, I'm right there with you and lots of folks who lavished the WT with huge chunks of our precious life-time. The only thing that's making it easier for me and my husband to stand, is seeing this girl of ours taking advantage of the opportunities she has now.
Today we signed her up for summer music camp at a college where the music program is awesome. And we didn't have to worry about getting permission from her mind-controlled father for her to miss meetings, assemblies, field service or assorted "family study is a priority" bullcrap. She can just immerse herself in music instruction with students and teachers who all are crazy about band, orchestra and jazz band.
(About two years ago he tried to prevent her from auditioning for State, because it was scheduled for a Saturday morning and she would miss field service. But after my daughter lambasted him for throwing away the child's hard-earned opportunity, he relented. He was just awful to the kid, tho - so negative and critical and sarcastic about how we thought her music was more important than all the b.s. Jehovah wanted her to do! so now we just enjoy every darn thing that she does, that used to she would have to ask him for and he would always say NO - because he was so worried about what the congregation and his wife would think about him letting his kid actually learn something or actually enjoy something. UGH!)
Captain Schmideo2
It is amazing how ANYTHING that is not WT-centric is "bad" or "a waste of time" in the eyes of the true believers. Whenever I run into anyone from my hall, and they ask how my kids are doing, I tell them "Great! Making good grades in College, one is on a full scholarship to MIT!" and they look like deer in headlights, totally Tharn! They don't know how to react to that, they don't know what to say, it's so alien and foreign to them. Achieving high scores in music? Huh? How can that be? Pursuing their muse? Outrageous! We should be putting all of that in a box marked "hobbies" and sticking it in a closet to avoid being distracted.
A life sucking, soul stealing cult! Plain and simple! -
Iown Mylife
Amen, Captain!
I know you are so happy about your kids doing well with college and my gosh a full scholarship to MIT - if those were my kids my head would not fit through any door. School is so wonderful when the students are making the effort to get the best out of it!