Exactly what I was after.
The changing from Christ to Jehovah is huge. Witnesses place emphasis on the use of the word Jehovah as being the indicator that only they have truth, without realising that Russell did not feel that was important at all, and that Christianity was about Christ.
Question about Zion's Watch Tower
by jwfacts 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi Jwfacts
I think I found your answer to when and why the name change from Zion's Watch Tower to The Watch Tower magazine. In the Watchtower Reprints(1919) page 4294 1st paragraph reads :
" With the New Year we expect to drop the word "Zion's" in the title of our Journal, because many of the friends inform us
that the word is objectional,having been so much used by Mr.Dowie and his followers.They report that our journal is frequently cast aside under the supposition that it is published under Dowie's auspices,or in some manner affliliated with Zion City, which he founded.The new name THE WATCH TOWER is the one by which the Journal is usually mentioned. It appears further,that African churches and papers use the word Zion extensively,which has led to the inquiry whether or not our Journal is published and generally read by colored people."
The first issue to carry the new name was the Jan.1,1909 Watch Tower. I hope this has helped you
*** jv chap. 16 p. 252 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement ***
The name Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence was changed, on January 1, 1909, to The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence. As of October 15, 1931, the name became The Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence.
Boxed elder bugs
I heard they changed it because of the Kingdom songs, the only thing they could get to rhyme with Zion were lyin and cryin.
The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, Dec 15, 1949 p. 2
"That God's Capital Organization is a Theocracy called Zion," -
The actual notice given for the dropping of the name "Zion" from the title of the Watch Tower appears in the Dec. 15, 1908 issue.
Russell was very much a zionist he loved the Jews and thought that they would rule the world from earthly Jerusalem.