What is your rating?

by billyboy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • billyboy

    As a bit of a newbie , I'm interested as to the overall viewpoint of site users and spectrum of views.

    Using a crude gauge , where 1 = completely convinced "Stepford"JW ("Jhs organisation is wonderful etc") and 10 is a completely rabid "tear down the tower" apostate/ex-witness pathalogically hating the whole JW structure , where do you fit in? ( Apolgies to both groups - no offense intended ).

    I'm about 2.5 - somewhat disillusioned , keen for reforms in certain areas but broadly accepts the teachings and loves the lifestyle. Would never leave.

  • JH

    I'd be a 5

    I believe in some teachings and disgusted with other claims they've made

  • IP_SEC
    is a completely rabid "tear down the tower" apostate/ex-witness pathalogically hating the whole JW structure

    I dont think pathos is necessarily a reason for 10ship.

    I'm a bit conflicted. Part of me is a 1 that says, if someone wants to become a witness, why should I care. Part of me is a 10, if I could push a button and bring down the whole religion, I would.

    Hmmm, perhaps pathos does play a part in my 10ness.

  • figureitout

    Wow what a neat question. I have totally changed my answer like 20 times but all in all I would say 3, and I have a feeling the numbers will be on the lower end because of what most of us were taught an apostate is.

    I have obsolute no ill will towards any witness. There are many who feel this is the truth and have found their peace and I am truly happy for them.

    I believe that JW's as a whole truly do care about God and what he thinks and try to be good people.

    I believe some of their man made rules make them no different then the organizations during Jesus's time that he was told he would bring down.

    The way they shut off the world is not loving. We were taught not to associate with these people but yet Jesus went straight to them, ate with them etc, I see great contridictions.

    I thank the Witnesses for giving me a new perspective on God and this world etc. I am always open to anthing that makes me think.

    All in all I never really let them control my life (bad Witness, bad Witness) as much as others so my attachment is not as strong, so it is a clean easy escape for me so far.

    Thanks for posting this question, I can not wait to read the replies.

  • KW13

    I am an 8/9.

    I wouldn't harm the witnesses or hurt anyone in it but if i saw a chance for them to see what nonsense they are in i would take it.

  • wanderlustguy

    I'm about a 9 I guess...

    Anyone who has been an elder for more than 8-10 years should know better. Rank and file think they are doing right only because they don't know anything else.

    The damage isn't realized until people get up to about 40- years old and relaize they have been misled...and then become the type to say "I've got too much invested", or take a walk and go into shock.

    Anyone who believes in the WTS simply has not done enough research, but I have noticed one of the roadblocks that is hardest to overcome is that you can't honestly say you've researched the Organization and it's teachings until you are willing to consider that it might be wrong.

    I keep coming up with more...another good test...apply the reasoning the society uses to identify false religion on itsself...it can;t stand up. Just because you SAY you have love amongst yourselves doesn't mean you DO.

  • Tuesday

    maybe a 7 or so.

  • atypical

    I guess I would be around a 5. I don't believe it at all anymore, but I don't feel a desire to stir up controversy. On the other hand, I would love to help anyone who would listen to learn the whole story. I do believe there are some good parts to the religion, but unfortunately they are the parts that could be found anywhere, ie good morals, love of justice, love of family, doing what is right just because it's what is right, etc.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I'm probably a 5 or 6.

    I don't believe in the jw religion anymore, but don't wish to stir things up for people I still like, although they now shun me

  • Legolas


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