At Hebrews 10: 26,27 the Bible warns those who would consider leaving Christianity: "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a CERTAIN fearful looking for of judgement and a fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." Is the Bible trustworthy in saying that those who leave Christianity are CERTAIN to experience a dread of judgement by God?
Is this Bible warning a valid one?
by scout575 46 Replies latest jw friends
the Bible trustworthy
? in general? That should be established first.
yes the warning should be taken seriously.those who once new jehovah then abandoned him should be very fearful
PMJ...So PLEASE DO tell what are you doing here then?
Lego, that's been a puzzler for me, too. I'm VERY glad that we get some JW's on here, but I can't for the life of me figure out how they rationalize it. Are these the same folks that are shunning their DF'd sons and daughters? But they come on here and chitchat with the riffest and raffest of the riff-raff?
Odd, agreed.
those who once new {sic} jehovah then abandoned him should be very fearful
I might agree if I "new" anyone who "new" Him, since He is unknowable, ultimately.
I don't believe the bible, It was written by MEN and over the years has been altered to fit the JW's belief system,. think about the stories in the bible for a moment : 3 men thrown in a fiery furnace and lived? haha yeah right. Oh and a snake that is the devil talking to a woman telling her to eat a forbidden fruit...just seems like a good fiary tale is all.
seems like a good fiary tale is all.
Not even a good one, methinks.
lol @ daystar, you right to long and no pics
those who once new {sic} jehovah then abandoned him should be very fearful
If I'd really "known" Jehovah I'd be shaking in my boots, but as I never did I have nothing to fear.
The "Jehovah" I thought I knew was just the product of the limited imagination of a few old men in Brooklyn.