Are you willing to tell your story...

by Bryan 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bryan

    I am currently working with a major national TV magazine show. They are very interested in my story and want to go wider with it.

    I need two things from those of you, whom are interested, for my next pitch.

    1. Individuals who are willing to tell their (preferably recent, last10 years) story of family destruction/shunning and child abuse, with-in the Org.
    2. I also need any kind of video to be used as B-roll. This video would need to be something in the org that the average Joe would not have ever seen. It would be tough, but perhaps even an audio tape of something perhaps like a jc meeting.

    You must be comfortable going public and Dear John letters would be good to.

    You will not make a dime. I will not make a dime. They most likely will mention my book though.

    If my pitch is not accepted I will delete any info you provide.

    There are many people here who know who I am. I am trustworthy and will treat you and your story with all respect.

    If you would like to try and be apart of this one hour production, please send a short paragraph about your shunning/abuse/video/audio to

    story at HaveYouSeenMyMother dot com



    Have You Seen My Mother

  • carla


  • Kaput


    Check this for recordings of testimonials if you haven't already. Some are fairly recent:

  • cruzanheart

    Would they be interested in the story of my dad's suicide? I have one or two letters he wrote trying to get reinstated, the letter I wrote to the elders after his death, and the Society's pompous-ass reply three months later. I have no problem going public if it will help. Just let me know.

    The only video I have is of my wedding, and the entire, boring, by-the-outline wedding talk given by my Dad, which I don't think is useful unless Sebastien is having trouble going to sleep.

    Also, if they want to do interviews remember we'll have a gaggle of apostates at our house for the crawfish boil so if they want any good human interest, i.e., how we cope after the cult kind of thing, they're welcome to come.


  • Elsewhere

    I'm not sure if my story is profound enough... but here it is... I was a 3rd generation JW. Basically my entire family and all of my friends were JWs. I DAed myself because I just didn't believe it. I could no longer fake my faith. I could not live a lie. Result: I am shunned by my entire family and everyone I grew up knowing, except for when there is a "family emergency" such as a death or illness in the family. Once the "family emergency" is over the shunning will immediately return. I wasted about four years of my life trying to be nice and win them over so they would not shun me... it was a waste of time and heart ache. I eventually became resolved to the fact they will never be a part of my life again and wrote them off as lost to a cult. Over the years I have built a new "family" and new friendships. When I was a kid and my grandfather died they had to divide up the estate. In the process it came to my attention that my grandfather had another son by a previous marriage before he was a JW. All my life I had an uncle that I was never told about, a whole other branch of my family that was ignored and hidden from everyone. I was shocked and horrified that a family could do such a thing. I am now destined to be that hidden family member, hidden from view, treated as though I don't even exist. This is what I have had to come to terms with.

  • Bryan

    Thanks Caput.

    Nina, yes your father's story would be good. What I need is your story on one page (word doc is best), 1 1/2 space. I know you can't go into much detail in this format, but it is to give a taste/idea of your story.



  • cruzanheart

    Okay, I'll see what I can do!


  • Bryan

    Thanks Nina and Else.


  • AuldSoul

    Fourth generation maternally and paternally, baptized for 21 years, recently disassociated. Totally cut off from family now. My wife and I are an interracial couple, and because of circumstances I am closer to her family than my own. I have the DA letter I sent asking for them to just let me walk away. I don't have any recordings. It causes problems because I can't go to JW social events with my wife. I also miss my family.


  • Bryan



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