This looks kind of dated but it's really good.
Watchtower exposed - video
by truth_about_the_truth 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I haven't been able to watch all of it, but it looks pretty good! Thanks for posting something I can really use!
jt stumbler
That was great! Thanks a bunch
Excellent video. How can I get one on VHS or DVD? This should be available in every public library. Very educational. Thanks for posting this.
This video appears to be the "Witnesses of Jehovah" video, copyright 1988.
DVD copies can be bought from Freeminds:
or from the producers here:
Amnesty Vendor
I have tears in my eyes. Thanks!
That was was worth watching it entirely.
When watching this video, it is hard to believe that I was a part of the WBTS for 19 years. You really don't see the whole picture until you step away from it all and then you can see how distructive this religion is to so many people.
Thanks for posting this video.
This video seems to do a decent job of exposing some of the lies about the printing company but in reality it’s main purpose seems to be selling their own Jesus product once again in a bright and shiny new and improved packaging by making someone else look bad so they can look good. Just call their prayer line phone number that they flashed across the screen
Who is Jeremiah films trying to fool beside those who have already been fooled once?
Never mind, I just answered my own question.
Hey what the hell…what ever floats your boat.
Dave -
Darth Yhwh
Pretty good. I started to doze a bit toward the end but, good none-the-less.
you are pretty perceptive Dave......I like how you picked up on the motivation for the attack. "by their fruits"???