If your JW family members were hurt by someone physically, or financially (ripped off), emotionally or otherwise would you feel sympathy for them and help them?
Would you help JW family members?
by greendawn 29 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Yep! If I could.
They don't love me anymore- but my love for them remains. [Don't have many family still alive in the org, but just the same.]
I would but they'd have to speak to me first and look me in the eye before I could give any financial handouts.
Yes I would, if I didn't I would feel like a JW "shunning" them
Without question. Without hesitation.
Like it or not, we have to stand by family in the Org. Any regular visitor to this site can see how the WTS is gradually disappearing up it's own a*sehole. It's a matter of time.
The light is gradually dawning on these family members that they have wasted most of their lives.
Don't be bitter. Don't be angry.Don't be smug. Just be there to give them a hand.
Life is really effen short.
Yep, and not just to be create or look for a chance to force them out of their cult, they are family!
I agree with wombat. We must rise above them.
even though I have daughters that have shunned me for 25 years, if they needed me I would be there for them
Bumble Bee
Yes I would. It would hopefully show them what unconditional love really is.
Most certainly. I am there for them even if they arent' there for me. That is TRUE christian love and what I try to exhibit.