What was the starngest Local Needs Topic you ever heard????
Strangest Local Needs?!?!?!?!
by thepackage 53 Replies latest jw friends
After a nasty sewer backup, our KH had a talk about the proper disposal of tampons and diapers.
After a nasty sewer backup, our KH had a talk about the proper disposal of tampons and diapers.
You're kidding, right??? Were you in the Renforth-Toronto congregation??? We had the same talk for the same reason. No one in the hall, even the speaker, could keep a straight face. W
I've been in halls that also had that talk.
Why Heavy Metal and Rap music were bad. Reckon we got that one cause of all the blasting systems in the congregation. It was quite funny when he said Black Sabath and KISS represented the devil. Most of us just about fell out laughing at that one. Then he went into how some rapper was calling himself Jehovah. None of us in the hall knew who he was talking about until years later cause at that time we called him Jay-z. Oh, Good times.
last night was pretty good.
"Widening Out"
Apparently, a lot of people in my congregation are pissed off at each other, and keep pointing fingers about "cliques".
It was just funny to hear the brother read scriptures to tell grown adults that they had to "smile and play nice".
Ah. the Kingdom Hall.
I guess the actual best one I've ever heard was the one they gave for me. 15 minutes of why cussing on the internet is inappropriate for true christians. Woo hoo.
After a nasty sewer backup, our KH had a talk about the proper disposal of tampons and diapers.
hahaha did we go to the same hall? Actually ours was about not leaving diapers in the trash can in the bathrooms.
Why Wittnesses should avoid "taking advantage" of their brothers and sisters who offer to do work for them around their house.
This was right after the annoucement of someone being D'F. hmmmmm
We had one about masturbation and pornography right after the announcement that a Ms had been publicly reproved and lost his privileges.
We all knew it was coming and we all knew who it was about thanks to his wife telling everyone that would listen about how she found his stock of dirty mags.
Its funny now but we all felt for the bloke at the time.
I enjoyed the one about me. ( well there was more then one haha ) that stated we shouldn't wear our hair or skirts long so as to attract attention to ourselves. Whatever, I should have shaved my head and worn a mini next meeting.