i worship my life, the 70 year span of my life, i worship. it is my god. this is my salvation. this life of mine.
it won't be about progress and change. the spreading of my genes, or the space faring ability of my species. or medicine or war.
it's not going to be about families or communities, or countries and businesses.
it's not about science, or love, or any doctrines of betterment.
it's about poetry.
it's about sweet apostacy. apostacy is murder. the killers of the cold clouds of the ashes of our churches. hunters of fearful ape thoughts. butchers of religions and morals. intimate assassins of Gods and Presidents and Chairmen.
apostatcy to a certain complaicancy.
for nothing.
apostacy to a certain conservative magic.
an apostacy to fear. apostates to the fear, are what us humans were born to be. poets of the savanna. we don't need a God. look in the mirror, when you get home from work today. and smile.