Did god create the domestic animals

by Satanus 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Satanus

    The bible says that god created domestic animals according to their kinds.


    Rbi8 Genesis 1:24-25 ***


    And God went on to say: "Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind." And it came to be so. 25 And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind

    According to that, cows would be a domestic animal kind which god created. Yet, cows are part of a larger 'kind' (wt term) which includes buffalo, which are wild animals. Seems like a major contradiction there, unless god went a little nuts in creating varieties within the same kind.

    Originally, there were no domestic animals. Humans domesticated various animals way, way back in time, somewhere. The johnny come lately goatherd bible writer didn't know that, and assumed that god made them directly.

    Comments, bible thumpers and evolutionauts?


  • peacefulpete

    Of course you are right, all domestic animals were domesticated, that is they were once wild but becaus eof strong social instincts and usefulness to humans they were selectively bred for docile tendencies. Also there is not a single commercially valuable fruit or vegetable that resmbles its wild form. God did not make watermelons and pears, farmers did.

  • Legolas
    God is really in a cursing mood. He even curses the snake: "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life” – Gen 3:14

    This strikes me as a rather unusual curse. First of all, the snake has been cursed above the cattle, you know – the zany ones. Why are cattle cursed? I can picture one of them looking up, mouth full of straw, and asking, “What did WE do?” (Hey,if snakes can talk, why can’t cows?) Secondly, if the snake is now cursed to go on his belly, just precisely how did snakes “go” prior to the curse? They don’t have legs. Finally, does God actually think that snakes “eat dust”?

    A tidbit from one of RunningMans threads!


  • Satanus

    The bible itself shoots down the wt 'created according to kinds' claim. That claim is unscientific. It is merely amateur guesswork.


    Yes, the same applies to vegies, grains, etc.


    Heehee, i can just see the poor cow looking up at god, as she asks that question.


  • tetrapod.sapien


    i look often at the canines in my little cocker spaniel, oliver. i wonder why he has flesh tearing teeth when all he eats is kibbles 'n bits? which came first? the kibbles or the canines? he he.... his genetic ancestors, wolves, tear flesh to survive. but surely god in his omniscience did not think lil oli would ever be tearing flesh up?

    makes me also wonder why he has fur? was it because god knew that i would enjoy petty cute lil puppies? or did he give oli fur to keep him warm? but if that is the case, then perhaps god was not aware of all the cute little sweaters you can buy dogs at the pet store? and what about brazilian dogs? surely they don't need fur? perhaps god did give them fur because he knew us humans love to pet doggies with fur?

    makes me also wonder why lil oli has such an amazing sense of smell?! wow. god is really something. oli does't need his sense of smell, to survive or anything, but surely jehovah made lil oli with his sense of smell because he knew how much lil oli would enjoy using it!

    oh, how wonderfully lil oli is made! and even better, jehovah, the ultimate genetic programmer, took the wolf's dna, and slightly tweaked it to make domestic animals! so, he didn't even have to re write the code from scratch! brilliant! now they only share like 99% of their dna. i wonder if domestication is found in the 1% they don't share?

    something that is really bothering me though, is that those pesky paleontologists have found fossils for domestic type dogs at around 10,000-12,000 years ago. right around the time that domestic farming was coming to. the confusing part for me is, why there were so many farmers, and domestic dogs, and populations of humans all over the world 12,000 years ago, when we all know that jehovah made them at the same time about 5000 years ago? what's up with that?! weird. oh well, guess i won't think about it. not really my subject.


  • Satanus


    They are my favorite 'kind' out of all god's created kinds.


  • Satanus


    Yup, in his wisdom, god created the domestic canine kind separately from the wild canine kind. 'Course, that does leave some unanswered questions. But, as the light gets brighter, they will be answered to the satisfaction of all.


  • Crumpet


    More importantly did God create the Gay animals?

    Did anyone see that beautiful episode of the L Word where the Manatees (like dolphins) in the aquarium swim about making love with the same sex and have threesomes? I say making love because honestly that is what it looked like to me? And aren't dolphins meant to be one of the highest intelligences on the planet?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    "so long! and thanks for all the sex!"

  • Crumpet

    tetra - that feels like a Douglas Adams reference... is it?

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