Oh well, I'll just have to type the ****** thing again, eh!
So, to continue:
He exposed the Society's instruction at a Kingdom Ministry School for elders to destroy evidence and to lie to authorities when being questioned by "worldly" authorities. Anyway he and his wife started on the road to freedom together with us. He too was serving as an elder in his congregation but became greatly disturbed by what he saw as the Society's inaction on the issue of abuse of children. Early on he had been writing to the Society's Australia Branch about the contradictions in Society policy that he saw was being enforced in letters to BOE; probably even earlier than others like Bill Bowen. Some years ago we started on a study of Society teachings together. After one year we'd come to the same conclusions and we all severed our fellowship with the Dubs. So J and his wife have a special place in our lives. Some of our actions have been quite dissimilar and this was a great time to talk some issues through, to discuss and debate scriptural understanding. OK, I'll give you one: is there a Devil? What does the Bible actually say?
That aside, we're finding we're gaining more and more solace from 'orthodox' christianity.
Apart from that it was interesting to compare notes of what we'd learned of outrages perpetrated by elders in Australia. Maybe I'll share later, eh? Suffice to say that the experience that we know of that Blissisignorance had is not unique. For those who may not know, Bliss was DF for warning others parents in her congregation about a paedophile in the congregation who had abused her son!!
Sounds crazy, but never think for a moment that the WTS is in some way benign, harmless; it ain't! It uses the DF mechanism with all that it entails to emotionally abuse its members.
Happily J and his wife and their large family have such a happy and fulfilling life these days. Together, as we surveyed the beauty of the scenery, we couldn't help feeling that looking at the past was like coming out of a nightmare and into the bright light of day.
But that was all many years ago now. For those whose hurt is still raw, remember, it too will pass with time. Your life course can be a defeat for the borg. Be encouraged!
Cheers my friends, Ozzie