Gumbaby said: Come on dub apologists.... who and where was the Slave when it was time for the bible to be compiled. Tell me WHY Jehovah did not use them to compile the canon instead of those who did.
Uh, Brother Gumby, can we see you in the back room for a little chat? Actually, I found this little gem in the WT's moldy old books:
*** si p. 302 Study Number 4—The Bible and Its Canon ***
The Roman Catholic Church claims responsibility for the decision as to which books should be included in the Bible canon, and reference is made to the Council of Carthage (397 C.E.), where a catalog of books was formulated. The opposite is true, however, because the canon, including the list of books making up the Christian Greek Scriptures, was already settled by then, that is, not by the decree of any council, but by the direction of God’s holy spirit—the same spirit that inspired the writing of those books in the first place.
Now we knew that they'd somehow try to get out of giving the Catholic Church credit for organizing the bible and sure enough, here's the proof. But let's say the WT is correct in this, and that it was God's spirit that determined which books would be used and which wouldn't be. The spirit would still have to guide SOMEONE to do what He wanted them to do, right? I mean, that's like saying that the men who wrote the bible shouldn't get any credit, because it really wasn't their doing---it was the Holy Spirit.
Well, unless someone is willing to actually write down or collaborate all the writings, then the Holy Spirit wouldn't get very far now would it? So their argument that the Catholic Church had nothing to do with the canonization of the bible is pure garbage and makes no sense.........but then again, this is the Borg, and most of what they say makes no sense.