The Brooklyn Eagle is based within throwing distance of WBTS HQ. I contacted the editor yesterday and this is now at most newsstands and subway entrances around this part of Brooklyn.
What a lovely anniversary present for me!!!
by stevenyc 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
The Brooklyn Eagle is based within throwing distance of WBTS HQ. I contacted the editor yesterday and this is now at most newsstands and subway entrances around this part of Brooklyn.
What a lovely anniversary present for me!!!
Is there another way you can put this up besides a very long download time?
I'm very anxious to see it.
try this
Much better. Thx!!
You are going to make sure Crooklyn gets a copy, right?
sKally, They've probably bought them all already.
If you walk a couple of blocks from their residential areas, you'll be at the newspaper headoffice.
Excellent publicity. Isn't the peeping Tom janitor a JW too? Would be a nice double whammy,lol.
I wonder what's going on at WT HQ. Anyone have contacts there?
They've probably bought them all already.
No doubt steve, no doubt.
MEMO TO TED JARACZ: Just a hint...bleach does not really get rid of deep blood stains brother. It's really good for brainwashing though! But then, that's why you have it shipped in, in bulk!
I wonder what's going on at WT HQ
Well, they probably knew it was coming.
At first they were alarmed and possibly pi$$ed. No doubt briefing notes were written and scripted for dealing with the Press. There might have been a little debate if the lawyers should respond in writing or if the Hosiptal Information Service dude (Major Spry?) should repsond.
Then after they read the story, they probably rationalized and rationalized and figured the MSM just missed the mark. Yeah that's it .. no worries ... Joe six pack doesn't care.
Then they will get pi$$ed again because many JWs read the article and will start talking or phoning and asking what the hell is going on. Then they will realize that this bad press could turn into a lawsuit or two which will cost money. Then they will really be pi$$ed since they realize they could lose some money that was actually budgeted for Tedy's new __x toys.
So they will have a few more meetings and start bad mouthing people, especially former members. They will practice creed bigotry and start calling them apostates. They will do a whole pile of praying where the lead of the prayers will doom people like Barb and Kerry.
Then they will come up with a unique strategy that will be bungled. No doubt some sort of letter will be sent to the BOEs and then posted here.
Just the usual.
Hey, steve...
I just got off the phone with the editor of the BE. I asked why it wasn't on the paper's website. He said the gal that puts news online is out today. Should go up as soon as she gets back in the office.
I'm very anxious to read the entire article and print it up for my files.
Just thought I'd let you know.