Add to perp list:Corrupt Rockland Massachuetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses congregation
by stillconcerned 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
a baseball bat and 5 minutes alone with each of them?
With a baseball bat I could eliminate the need for a line of folks within 3 minutes. I would just think of what my wife went through (is going through) and there wouldn't be much solid left to hit...
...perhaps I should stay away from them, come to think of it.
Kimberlee, what you are doing is wonderful.
AuldSoul -
My babies,nieces and nephew who are MIA and being held hostage in the Jehovah's Witnesses pedophile protecting cult.I have not seen them in 15 years
I can provide the following information. The man who molested my daughter was Patrick Marando. He used to live on Dow Avenue in Ocean Twp., Monmouth County, NJ. The congregations that knew he was a molester are Ocean-Asbury Park, Wayside, Long Branch North, Long Branch Central, Fair Haven, and Eatontown. His wife also knew he was a pervert. Many elders, and his wife Lynne, knew his history and that he was at my home. None warned us. He molested others after my daughter. He moved to Pine Beach, NJ, in Ocean County. I last heard he is trying to get reinstated somewhere in Ocean County. I don't have the congregation name, but am working on it. His son, PJ Marando, was a Ministerial Servant at the time and tried to get us to drop the charges, but the police said no and so did we. PJ is now an elder and he and many elders and pioneers shunned my daughter and called her a "lying whore". Monmouth County's congregations are rife with molestation cover-ups and many elders know about it. My family moved to the Hazlet or Middletown congregation in Middletown, Monmouth County, NJ. Those elders tried my in a judicial committee because I opposed 607 BCE and also how my daughter was treated. They did NOTHING to help convince my wife to move back with me after she had left 3 months before, taking my 16 year old daughter with her. I quit because of the hypocrisy and ill treatment.
I hope this information will help someone in the future. Many publishers in these congregations, after I told them what happened, said things like: "Oh, yeah, Pat, I can believe that." There were dozens of similar comments, leading me to believe that his molestation tendencies were already well known to many. When he was arrested and the article of what he did appeared in the newspaper, publishers called the local elders for verification on his identity. They were all told "No Comment". They were left on their own to wonder if he was the person in the newspaper. Fortunately, they published his address later, so everyone then knew. He had been DF'd in the past for adultery as well. His son's wife, Jennifer, also shunned my daughter and caused her extreme emotionaly stress. Please be aware that my wife told me that several of these congregations were split up and rearranged because of all the in-fighting concerning this case. Many believed my daughter but many did not. The two groups were not speaking, there was marking and other behavior. It caused quite a stir in the entire circuit.
I wrote a letter to the CO, "Brother DeSenti" (sp?), who ignored my request to help mend my family. His words were "it's not my week to handle your congregation". It WAS the week he was visiting the congregation where the abuse occurred. He lied. I never heard from him again. To all people in Monmouth and Ocean counties in NJ, I want to warn you that there is NO justice there and you will NOT be warned about any molesters in your midst.
Thank you for allowing me to tell my story. I hope it protects people in the future.
Remember HISTORY, ROME fell within and as long as we keep the highway open for info it will fall. Look at it now it is coming down. We must all remember to do it in Jesus name and we will not fail and our movement will overcome the Watchtowers highway of lies.I must also report that i read that Charles T. Russell was a molester??????? Well birds of a feather will flock together!!!!!!!!! Let me hear it.
Twisted JW murder, accomplice slated for execution Standing by her vow
Lodi News-Sentinel, CA - 27 minutes ago
... Ortega said he wanted to marry her, have children and raise them in his Jehovah's Witness faith. And then he asked her a question she'd never forget. ... [.....That was the beginning of the end for Salaices and Ortega, but not before they went out to eat one day. Ortega said he wanted to marry her, have children and raise them in his Jehovah's Witness faith. And then he asked her a question she'd never forget.
"He (asked) if he was to ever to go jail would I come visit him. I said no. He looked rather shocked. I said, 'No, because there would be no reason for you to be in jail,'" Salaices recalled.....]Standing by her vow
After 25 years, Terri Winchell's friend keeps promise she made: To see justice, she'll witness execution of Lodi girl's killer
By Layla Bohm [email protected]
News-Sentinel Staff Writer First published: Saturday, February 11, 2006
Last updated: Saturday, Feb 11, 2006 - 07:00:00 am PST Seventeen-year-old Christina Salaices was in the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office, desperately trying to understand how her best friend could really, truly be gone.
The story had been splashed across the front pages of newspapers and would eventually make it to a tabloid because homosexuality wasn't nearly as public in 1981: Terri Lynn Winchell had been savagely raped and murdered on a stage set by her boyfriend's jealous lover, with the assistance of his cousin -
Good heavens there are so many pedophiles in the JWs, they seem to be attracting a lot more than the average expected everywhere. What's the reason for this?
Good heavens there are so many pedophiles in the JWs, they seem to be attracting a lot more than the average expected everywhere. What's the reason for this
Denial and coverup of wrongdoing generates a coven of psychopaths. ---------------- BATTER the BORG with BLOGS all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine