The dubs are freaking out and listing every potential apostate on MySpace. I even got mentioned even though I have never posted or joined a JW group. Bunch of stalkers. I found it ironic that they are praying for the reinstatement of a convicted child molester. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: Jan 13, 2006 2:37 PM
I created this post to keep us informed of potential dangers found on Myspace. Keep in mind that these are just observation and may not be solid facts. We may not know all the details of a given situation. Nevertheless, it would be wise of all brothers/sisters to be "cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). Please take all means necessary to protect your spiritually. Because in the end: Each one will carry his own load. - Galatians 6:5
Please feel free to post any potential dangers you've seen on Myspace, to help safe guard your fellow brothers/sisters in the faith.
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1) Ive seen in many of the public JW groups [a total of 9] a person called the "Truth" his profile shows him to be an apostate. His whole profile talks bad about Jehovah's organization. And how the Watchtower is wrong... And you can see in his 'view all groups' that he is a member of another group [Former Jehovah's Witness Support Forum] that is clearly an apostate group.
Posted: Jan 13, 2006 2:39 PM | ||||||
3) Wow, I could not believe it but the "JW" Group URL:
Posted: Jan 13, 2006 2:41 PM | ||||||
7) I'm sure, nobody wants to give Jehovah a bad name. Therefore, we need to do our best to protect his reputation. But, I saw another JW group who had accepted the same, nearly nude, women... this can really be transmitting a bad connotation towards Jehovah's People.
Posted: Jan 14, 2006 7:22 AM
there was this one woman in one of the groups i saw. it started out as if she was saying something worthwhile, but as u continued to read, she would say some things about the organization, brother rutherford, and so on and so on. it was disgraceful. if i remembered her name, i would post as a warning, but this was a while ago and i forgot it. Jan 14, 2006 12:07 PM I have found in one JW site a pix of a member that was nude. I did complane to the monitor but i did see the pix on one of the other JW sites. Thought you mite like to know. Sis Farmer Jan 15, 2006 1:38 AM | ||||||
Me too! I noticed that there were apostates at the other groups that I joined that had JW on it! I also had messages (from some claiming to be True Christians) that had a link on it and when I clicked on it, it clearly was an apostate site! However, I deleted them right away so I don't remember their usernames!