Where Do I Go Now? Is There An Answer??

by individual 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • individual

    Where do I go now?

    With all the problems in the 'truth' and all the things that we know are wrong with it there seems to be aspects of their theology (i.e the sequences of the world powers, statue in Daniel, the promise of world restoration again found in Daniel) that to me still make sense.

    Although I cannot follow a religion that believes in the destruction of all humanity barring those that respond to their own preaching work I still believe in a Creator and cannot accept the teachings of other religions that have no purpose for the earth and believe that mankinds only destiny is in heaven.

    My mind keeps telling me that if God was behind a religion it would be so much better than that of the JWs. Not only would the religion have an accurate belief but also would not be so harsh and judgemental, but instead would be one of love.

    I havent been to a meeting now since last November but I find myself in a quandry all the time, forever battling with the desire to serve God. The problem with this is that no other religion in my mind matches up with their basic beliefs in the world restoration and their understanding of the sequence of world powers in bible prophecy.

    I spent 25 years under this religion and it is very hard to see the bible or life in a different way. I keep reminding myself that their ban on birthdays for example is stupid, why would God be upset because someone reached 5 years old and you said 'happy birthday, well done!'. I also didn't like the way they rely on money more than God and the way they bully the rank and file, it reminds me of the warning about the evil slave class which is the faithful and discreet slave having gone bad. The scripture says that they bully their fellows, which cannot be apostates because they are outside of the congregation. They are no longer the fellows of those still in the 'truth'. That scripture in Matthew 24 was quite a clear warning to me at the time that they could go bad.

    As well as feeling that they have gone bad, I also feel that some of the theology from the bible was correct, is there any truth out there in this world?

    Where do I go from here?? The one thing that I was looking for was a religion with a similar belief system, that the world would be put right and that religion would have love amongst itself and would also rely completely on God and Jesus. So where is it? Does it exist? Is it just futile to search for such a religion? Or has God not yet brought it into the world yet? It has been suggested that I go to other churches to sample their beliefs yet I feel that would be hypocritical of me because their theologies are so far removed from anything I could accept.

    The only comfort I get is from Matthew 25 where Jesus said that he would give talents of different values to different ones, he describes these ones as good and faithful slaves but he indicates that there is more than one good and faithful slave which indicates to me that he gave different levels of truth to different slave groups. He expected more from those that he gave more 'truth' to and the warning in Matthew 24:48-51 would apply to those that had let him down.He indicated that those who let him down would say - 'the master was delaying and would start to bully their fellow slaves'. If he gave 'truth' to different groups, which I am absolutely certain was what he meant by that scripture, then there would be other religions out there with some truth in them.

    Although I have twinges towards the 'truth' (because of spending so much time in there) I feel that they have let Christ down so where do I go now???

  • Deacon

    I just read crisis of concience and in search of christian freedom by Ray Franz.

    You will cry for 10 days after...

    but you will know where to go.

    Borders sell it or Randy Watters.

  • logical

    Hi Individual.

    Maybe your looking in the wrong place for truth.

    Have you ever thought of going to "the way, the truth and the life"? Religion claims to be a way to Christ... but arent we expected to go directly to Christ OURSELVES?

    Christ warned of wicked men, imposters, who snatch and scatter his sheep. This is precisely what religion, INCLUDING the WTS has done.

    There is no truth in this "world". Christ is not of this world, and He is the way.

    Maybe someone else can take over from me at this point, like AGuest or Kes152, people who are true servants of Christ, and will be able to direct you more accurately. Something I aim to be able to do one day, but am finding difficult.

  • COMF

    The title of your thread is the exact question I asked myself after I realized that JW's were not God's one and only chosen people/organization, and were obviously misrepresenting both God and the truth.

    At that point I embarked on a search for "the true religion" based on the parts of JW teaching I held to be true... Jesus is not God, no immortal soul, no hell, the corresponding ransom, the need and purpose of a resurrection.

    I won't go into a detail of the steps and stops along the way to where I am now; nor will I try to pretend that where I am now is a final destination, for me or for anyone else.

    I'll just say that I understand. I have been where you are, and for what it's worth: today, approximately four years after I stood where you are standing, I am a happy and satisfied man, enjoying life and living in serenity, at peace with myself and with the rest of the universe.

    There are good things ahead for you, Individual.


    Climb a tower of freedom, paint your own deceiving sign.
    It's not my part to criticize or to ask you to be blind
    To your own pressing problem and the hate you must unwind.
    So ask of me no answer; there is none that I could give you wouldn't find.

    - Jethro Tull, "Nothing to Say"

    (Edited to correct sloppy typing)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Dear Individual,

    The point is not where but who do I go to now(JC).
    There is no one true religion, you can look till kingdom come you won't find it.

    You don't want to "throw out the baby with the bath water" so to speak. There are some very correct things that you were taught by the JW's, you have to decide for your self what teaching are correct and which are worthless. A careful search would be in order.

    If you are looking for an organization that will answer all your questions you won't find it. If life were only that easy. People who are looking for someone to make all their hard choices in life are easy targets for Cults. So If anyone claims to have all the answers watch out!

    You are about to embark I think on a very interesting and hopefully wounderfull journey (that is up tp you).

    I feel a person should go to Jesus Christ(no religious organization).

    As well as feeling that they have gone bad, I also feel that some of the theology from the bible was correct, is there any truth out there in this world?

    I beleive the Bible is truth, but put little faith in men, the Bible even warns us about putting too much faith in men does it not?

    You can be a Christian without joining any religion.
    I feel a great openess toward any who put faith in Jesus but will not belong to this or that man made group. To belong to a particular Christian religious group means you got to beleive what that group beleives(or you could be censored in some way).
    I don't want anybody ever again to force me to do that. I will instead read and study and make up my own mind as to what proper and what improper, that is my responsibilty before God I alone will have to answer for it, not some man made self appointed religious leader.
    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you can't be a Christian if you belong to this or that group, you can it's just a lot harder.

    By the way no one has everything correct, we all have a measure of wrong understanding. But that's not so important the important thing is we exercise faith in Jesus and follow the law of love(unwritten).

    I could say alot more but this is all for now.

    Best wishes for you Individual.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo


    My only answer is to agree with what others have posted. Anyone who claims to have the truth about this universe doesn't have it. All other religions have one thing in common with the WTS: they are the creations of men, and therefore follow man's ideals.

    Seek God and no one/nothing else.


  • borgfree


    I would just like to add a little bit of my experience to what the others have said. When I left, about 9 years ago, I felt like that, "where do I go now" Through some fortunate happenings (?) I found out about the exjw convention in Pennsylvania. I decided to go, even though I still thought "those people" were those "apostates"

    At that convention I met some very loving exjws, I heard some very good talks based on the bible and very sound teaching. I came to the realization as someone else mentioned that the question is not, where do I go, but to Whom do I go, as the bible clearly states.

    I prayed to God and, yes, to Jesus, in other words what is known as the sinners prayer. Everything has not been rosey since then, I lost almost all of my family, but I have had a happiness that I had never known in my life. After about 9 years of trying to get through to my family, finally early this year, my son left the WT, and he too gave his life to our Lord. I am sure you know how happy that made me. Now we are both trying to get through to the rest of our family.

    I agree with what others have said also about not having to belong to a religion. I enjoy the fellowship of other believers. I have gone to several churches but it is to Jesus Christ that I belong. I will meet with other Christians and enjoy being with them and singing those beautiful songs that I would not permit myself to even hear before.

    Whether I ever join a church or not does not matter to me, I have a wonderful world of fellow believers who know what true unconditional love is, and I am satisfied with that.

    God bless you on your journey.


  • Englishman


    Corny it may be, but Desiderata says it all.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Kat_


    Something was said on this thread that really caught my attention: Not WHERE do I go, but to WHOM. I really like that statement. Of course, this comforting thought didn't just fix all my confusion and feelings of inadequacy but it definitely made a difference. Personally, I would still love to find a place I could be happy with, I could accept. But the more I search the harder it gets. I keep finding little issues that just bother me. I am making the mistake of looking for the 'perfect' religion. I haven't found it and I am not sure it exsists. There are a million beliefs floating around, and it's quite a tough job to try to figure out who is right and who is wrong. Trouble is, this whole search of mine was just getting out of one thing and trying to jumping into another. I think I was so concerned with finding the 'right' path after discovering I was on the wrong one, that the whole time I didn't stop to think if that path is even made up of church buildings. It could just be a private road starting with me and leading to God, with no middle man.

    But, (now here is where I confuse even myself), as comforting as this thought is, I still crave something. I said earlier somewhere that, maybe it's my JW upbringing, I don't know; but I know I won't feel comfortable just sitting at home forever--it might be a totally superficial, unnecessary thing, I admit it freely that it's quite likely--but I still want to find a place to go, a place to fit in, if only to have that feeling of unity within a group of people. I miss that terribly. However, I strongly believe that this is not a guilt thing--this is a simple desire. Hey, I am a sociable person; I love talking and learning about God, so I would naturally want this. Maybe this void will go away, maybe not.

    Either way, I am no longer in a rush. I am happy right now just learning again, trying to decide for myself what I feel. Someone once said (I wish I could remember who) that however long it takes to get into this kind of religion, expect to take up that same amount of time to mentally get out. It's tough. Just give yourself time.
    You might decide that you don't need church after all, that you don't need an organization to represent you in your relationship with God. I think whatever makes you comfortable is all that matters.


  • anewperson

    The answer is Christ and wholesome new fellowship so try this egroup which includes groups and individuals of other beliefs but also a fellowship for anyone including those who still believe for example that:

    Jah will resurrect some on earth and others to serve with Christ from heaven:

    Just ask [email protected] for the free regular newsletters and he will be glad to send you an invitation to the egroup. You can unsubscribe to the newsletters (1-3 a week) anytime.

    The fellowship is LOVE rather than uniformity of beliefs based, Colossians 3:14 explaining love is the perfect bond of union. The website helps non-religious individuals and support groups too. Some readers getting services are ex-JWs who became atheists, Baptists, Catholics, etc.

    So it's nonprofit and offers services to all in (and outside) the broader Free Christians movment, not just spiritually associating groups and individuals.

    To me it's comforting to know there is a wholesome alternative to the Watchtower Society, although those of other groups wanting ex-JWs, also oppose the fellowshipping.

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