Hi guys. My brother told me that his friends grandfather died and that the JW family members are upset that he left HIS house to his grandson who is df'd. For the last few years the grandson took him to all his doctor appointments and took him grocery shopping. The ironic thing is over the years the JW's have lived with him rent free over the years and still the grandson was the one that took him to the doctor and he did not even live with him. Now the dubs are acting like they have been cheated. Right now 2 of his cousins are living in the house and he said there will be no free ride for them. They either pay him rent or they cannot live there. They have treated him like crap all these years because he left that cult. Now he is the landlord. Oh how Jehovah has blessed my brothers friend.
JW's upset grandfather left house to Df'd family member
by Chasity1 18 Replies latest jw friends
sweet justice.....
Great to hear that the dubs didn't get everything after ever so lovingly doing NOTHING! WhooHoo!
that is so good, finally some justice, even if just a little at a time
Was the grandfather a JW? If not, I wonder if this would have played out differently if he had been?
Whatever ye sow, so shall ye reap. Sow judgement on others, and judgement will be meted back to you, full measure, pressed down and running over.
Ahhh karma!
No he was never a dub. If he had been a dub chances are he would not have had a relationship with his grandson. I know he did not like how the JW family treated his grandson. From what my brother said the only time he was treated like a human being by the JW family was when his grandfather was present. He kicked a dub relative out of his house for shunning his grandson and told him not to come back until he learned some manners.
Sounds like a parable doesn't it. Whose life was filled with more compassion?!?
I have a similiar story but all players involved were/are jws.
My great-grandmother was living on her own with her daughter (my grandmother). Great-grandma raised my mother as her own because my mother's mother was never mentally stable to do so, so we called Great-Grandma "Grandma" and our real grandmother "Sweet".
Grandma lived 3 hours away from my mother and it was becoming more and more apparent that Grandma and Sweet shouldn't be living on their own. Even though Grandma lived in the same town as her oldest daughter (Aunt Glynnsa Mae), my mother couldn't rely on her aunt to help and look after Grandma. Aunt Glynnsa Mae even told my mother to her face that she didnt have the time to look after Grandma, she had her own family to worry about, an Alcoholic husband and a few adults kids who were hooked on crack and various stray grandchildren.
After a while my mother decided to move Grandma and Sweet into our home so she could take care of them better, also it was less dangerous since Grandma had begun to leave stuff burning on her gas stove. Every once in a while my mother would need a break (she was taking care of her grandmother, mother, and a mentally and physically disabled son - all at the same time!) and would call Aunt Glynnsa Mae to ask her if she could possiblly help take care of the grandmas for a short while (like a week or two). The answer from her aunt would always be no or she didnt have time to.
Before all this happened, when Grandma was still sound of mind, Grandma had a will drawn up. She really didnt need the will. She didnt have very much and what little she did have she had already signed over to my mother, my sister, and me. The lawyer even told her she didnt need the will but Grandma insisted. In the will my mother was made executor, all assets were to go the the support of Sweet, and Glynnsa Mae was to receive one dollar.
When Grandma died Glynnsa Mae and her family thought everything was going to them simply because Glynnsa Mae is the oldest child of my great-grandmother. Grandma was no fool, she loved her oldest daughter but she knew what kind of person she was, she knew her husband was never any good, and she knew that some of her grandchildren were not much better than their father.
It's sad.