Can someone point me too a site that has the documentation on the Bolgarian Blood transfusion agreement with the WTS?
Help on Bolgarian Blood issue??
by IronClaw 15 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks guys, my older wanted to see it for himself. Now he can. Thanks again.
Correction to upper post: my older brother.
It looks like Garybus and Kaput supplied some good links. I lost all of my old links, but you should be able to do a good Google search and find the issue listed in the European Union records. I was still fairly new out of the organization when this event took place. I was utterly shocked that the Society made this change solely for the Bulgarian JWs, but not for the rest of the JW community. However, I have no doubt that the Bulgarian JWs were secretly told by the Society to abide by the blood issue as it is practiced elsewhere in the world. This is just another case where the Watchtower lies to the political system to get its way.
Jim W.
Amazing , thanks anyway. It really is amazing to see the tower make such and agreement and then try to sucker the R/F as they did with the Mexican scandal. Just unthinkable.
You can also go to the offical website for JW's and in Media page under Human Rights see link to EHRC the European Human Rights Court enter the case number under search engine and pull up the offical documents.
I wanted to do it this way so that when I called the Society and questioned them about the court settlement I knew that they would ask where I got the information and I wanted to be sure and say from their own media webpage link. Of course after discussing this system of talking out of both sides of their mouth, was told they could not give me an answer (after my offer of calling back in a week so that the brother had time to look up the information) but was told that I would have to write a letter for a response.
Has anyone written a letter for clarification of the No Sanctions for taking a blood transfusion policy set in Bulgaria and received a response from the Brooklyn Boys??
clarification of the No Sanctions for taking a blood transfusion policy:
Main Entry: 1 sanc·tion
Pronunciation: 'sa[ng](k)-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin sanction-, sanctio, from sancire to make holy -- more at SACRED
1 : a formal decree; especially : an ecclesiastical decree
2 a obsolete : a solemn agreement : OATH b : something that makes an oath binding
3 : the detriment, loss of reward, or coercive intervention annexed to a violation of a law as a means of enforcing the law4 a : a consideration, principle, or influence (as of conscience) that impels to moral action or determines moral judgment b : a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards c : explicit or official approval, permission, or ratification :In a classic example of speaking out of both sides of their mouths, the WTS can tell the governments of the world that No Sanctions takes on the meaning of JWs will not experience the detriment, loss of reward, or coercive intervention annexed to a violation of a law as a means of enforcing the law, nor will they invoke a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards [ie, their own], when in reality what they mean is that they will not give explicit or official approval, or permission for JWs to accept blood transfusions.
Watchtower leaders no doubt justify their deceptions as "theocratic war strategy." An article titled "Use Theocratic War Strategy" tells Witnesses: A great work is being done by the witnesses even in lands where their activity is banned. The only way they can fulfill the command to preach the good news of God's kingdom is by use of theocratic war strategy. ... So in time of spiritual warfare it is proper to misdirect the enemy by hiding the truth. ... Today God's servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. ... At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work.
—The Watchtower May 1, 1957, pages 285-286. Compare discussions of this policy in The Watchtower February 1, 1956, pages 76-90; June 1, 1960, page 252; Aid to Bible Understanding (1971) page 1061; Insight on the Scriptures (1988) vol. 2, page 245.The commission published this on the Internet for all the world to see. (See excerpts reproduced on the facing page, or full documentation in our booklet Blood, Human Rights and Jehovah's Witnesses.) As we did ourselves, anyone may obtain the complete printed agreement from the Secretary to the European Commission of Human Rights, F-67075 Strasbourg, Cedex, France, telephone +33 (0)3 88 41 20 18 or fax +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30.
Communiqué issued by the Secretary
to the European Commission of Human Rights
on the 276th Session of the
European Commission of Human Rights
(Strasbourg, Monday 2 March - Friday 13 March 1998)__________
The 276th Session of the European Commission of Human Rights (Council of Europe) was held at the Human Rights Building in Strasbourg from 2 to 13 March 1998. At the close of the session the Secretary gave the following information on matters dealt with in the Commission:
The Commission dealt with 715 applications under Article 25 of the Convention and also examined one application under Article 24 of the Convention. Among the applications examined by the Commission were the following: ...
...II. Reports adopted
(i) Reports adopted under Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention (friendly settlement)
(a) One Report was adopted by the plenary Commission under Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention, concluding that a friendly settlement had been secured:
The case concerned the refusal to re-register the applicant association pursuant to a 1994 law, and the alleged suppression of its activities and those of its members. In settlement, the Government agreed to introduce legislation as soon as possible to provide for civilian service for conscientious objectors, as an alternative to military service, and to register the applicant association as a religion. The applicant undertook with regard to its stance on blood transfusions to draft a statement for inclusion in its statute providing that members should have free choice in the matter for themselves and their children, without any control or sanction on the part of the association. [emphasis added]But now it is clear that the Watchtower Society has reneged on that agreement and apparently never intended to be governed by it.
In a letter dated August 27, 1998, the Society claims the government of Bulgaria agreed to make concessions in exchange for nothing from the JWs, and reveals that the organization will continue to control members on the blood issue by using the sanction of disfellowshipping to punish violators:
"The phrasing that is to be incorporated into the statutes of the Christian Association of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bulgaria describes the manner in which Jehovah's Witnesses have traditionally handled these matters.... ...misuse of blood, then this may at times lead to the Scriptural action of disfellowshipping."