How would you define the word apostate, now that you aren't in sync with the Watchtower anymore?
What does the word "Apostate" mean to you now?
by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Apostate = Watchtower Society and Governing Haughty
The word "Apostate" is not really used in Greek as a 'noun' though it technically can be. Rather, there are few Greek contemporary writings of the Apostles era that use the word, and those that do use it, do so as a simple verb. The word "Apostate" as a noun is never used at all in secular ancient Greek writings.
Example: to "walk away from" or "stand apart from" is called "apostasia" in ancient Greek.
Similarly: to "separate" or "divorce" is called "apostasion" in ancient Greek.
The words "stand away" or "separate or divorce" can be politically manipulated into nouns. However, their normal uses are simple verb describing certain actions. We could easily use the word apostasia to describe one standing away from the corner grocery store. However, its biblical use was truly confined to those who stand apart from Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church first used "apostasy" to describe the actions of those that turn on the Church. The Watchtower Society, Mormons, and Adventists are the primary modern-day groups that turned this simple verb into a noun called, "Apostate" to describe a class of people that they do not like anymore. The Watchtower Society first used it to describe the clergy of Rome, then all of Christendom, then all other religions, then any who voluntarily leave the Society. The Watchtower Society has perverted the use of the word, and they have perverted many other Christian teachings in order to suit their own desires to justify their own thoughts to themselves.
To me, as a Christian, the word "Apostate" does not exist as a noun. The word 'apostasy' exist only for those who turn against Christ himself. To date, I have found very few who have turned on Jesus. I don't even think about the word unless someone brings it up. And, when I have run into someone who has turned on Christ, I still treat them kindly and respect their view ... though I am saddened that they have made that particular choice.
Jim W.
Apostate Kate
The dictionary says that apostate means to leave a former loyalty.
I am apostate from the Watchtower.
I am not apostate from God.
The Watchtower is not God nor do they represent Him.
JWs fear me and hate me. God loves me.
They feel so righteous when they call me apostate. It explains everything in their minds. We know things we are not supposed to know. We know all their dirty little secrets. When I call myself apostate they feel they are justified to hate me and reject whatever I think say or feel. JWs consider me the spawn os Satan.
Nice one! Clam and Amazing 1914
Now, in this context, "Apostate" is a member of my fraternity, it is where I belong if the WTS acts in the way that it does and treats us as outcasts. We may differ greatly, have totally different opinions on everything else but we all belong here.
I've been called that a lot lately. But I guess thats the way the WT does things, you know "Name Calling". In a strange way, I kinda like it. It brings fear into the hearts of the ones doing the Name Calling.
Something negative, a person who is against the teaching of the church. I still see it that way as a title and when I left, I learned it was not really something that fit the way we were told it did. I do not like the title and do not label myself with it.
Apostasy in Bible terms mean walking away from Jesus Christ teaching. In that meaning was used by the first disciples of Jesus Christ.
Apostate is a Person leaving Jesus Christ Teachings.
People as always, love to twist the meanings of the words to suit them.
Today dictionary use the term in many different meanings. That is why we have so much confusion and misunderstanding between people.
Apostate tower like to label everybody their own cooked labels.
Eviltower IS apostate from true Christian Teachings. Russelltower was started as a business enterprise for profit, by seling books and magazines, with Religion as a Front store. Of course we know that a book will sell better if we say that it is "inspired by God".
They commited the sin to pretending to be a true Christian Religion, but in reality as we already know, They stray people AWAY from Jesus Christ to their man made cooked religion, their baloney literature, and constantly persecute people who stick to the Bible and Jesus Christ.
History show that Rapetower IS APOSTATE, False Prophet, and they will made Apostate from anyone believieng in their apostate literature and apostate techings. Just ask the milions of people who left the Borgtower.
To them, The Borg, The Rules invented BY THEM are the "HOLY Striptures",
not the Bible. holycowtower literature is more important to THEM, than the Bible. Eviltower is as far away from the truth as the West are from The East.