For all you that have studied the subject what are some big distortions of the original scriptures Hebrew and Greek, that are to be found in the JW Bible (NWT)?
I found that at 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 it says that the living Christians in the final days will be snatched up as soon as the dead ones get resurrected.
That blows up the JW belief that the said resurrection occured in 1918 because they weren't taken up at the same time.
In their Bible apart from mistranslating the Greek word Kyrios to Jehovah instead of Lord they also fail to express the idea that the living Christians will immediately join the resurrected ones instead of after dying, naturally or not.
Do you know of gross mistranslations in the JW Bible (NWT)
by greendawn 37 Replies latest jw friends
- Heb 1:6 They replace "worship" with "do obeisance" when refering to the angels and Jesus
- Rom 10:13 "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." They put in Jehovah in place of the Lord.
1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
1 In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
Greendawn, I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but check my post on Bible changes in the NWT from other translations.
Hope this helps.
Ooo, I love these threads!! I'm always up for a thread that picks out some more mistranslations in the NWT, it just goes to show that anything can be changed to suit one's needs - in this case, the WTS translated the Bible to suit their ends, and it's working wonderfully for them, the JWs are still following them.
Does anyone know of any Bible scholars who have publically denounced the NWT and/or written an article on it?? As a student, I'd love to read some written proof from a scholar that the NWT is a gross mistranslation of the original texts.
And keep pointing out the errors in the NWT, I'd love to read more about this!!
-Becka :)
Hi Super Becka,
You might find "So Many Versions?" by Sakae Kubo & Walter Specht to be helpful in discussing the errors of the NWT. I don't know if it is still in print, but the book was published by Zondervan.
One interesting quote from page 103 of the book regarding the NWT:
"The jargon which they use is often scarcely English at all, and it reminds one of nothing so much as a schoolboy's first painful beginnings in translating Latin into English. The translation is marked by a wooden literalism which will only exasperate any intelligent reader--if such it finds--and instead of showing the reverence for the Bible which the translators profess, it is an insult to the Word of God."
Thanks for the reference, Athanasius, looks like an interesting read. I checked my university's library catalogue and there is a copy in the bookstacks, so I'll definitely be picking it up soon to check it out and see what it has to say.
Does anyone else have any suggestions for readings on the fallacies and mistranslations of the NWT??
Thanks again!!
-Becka :)
Look at John 17:3
The Lone Ranger
In my experience I wouldn't say that they have gross Subtle mistranslations of the bible, but like satan who according to the WTS themselves is a master of deception, they have lots of subtle difference's in there translation, subtle but very Significant, with just a simple verb or noun here or there they change the whole meaning of the verse. I do know of some but there are web sites that list them.