Beginning the road out.

by wozadummy 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • onesong

    A Warm Welcome!!!!!!

  • Calliope


    you're not taking the road less traveled. we have ALL traveled that road.


  • TheListener

    Hi wazadummy!! I'm laughing at your screen name. Read various experiences here and I think you'll find you are far from alone.

    Please, relate the experiences that brought you into the truth. Perhaps you will find commonality with some others here. It has been my experience that the dubs have a long track record of converting individuals at weak points in their life or who are uninformed spiritually but searching diligently.

  • GoingGoingGone

    Hi wozadummy! Welcome to the forum!

    I'm fading now, too, and I've noticed the same thing you mentioned. I can look at the rest of the world now as my fellow human beings, not as 'worldly people' or 'bad association.' It's wonderful!

    Please tell us more of your story when you feel comfortable!


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    What you wuz aint what you iz. Welcome here, good place to wize up. You'll be ok.


  • unique1

    Welcome! It is quite refreshing to be able to speak freely to anyone without worrying if they are going to try and sway you away from God's service.

  • jojochan

    Welcome to the forum!


  • Cellist

    Hi Wuzadummy. Welcome to the board. I'd love to hear your experiences.


  • Brigid

    Dear NOT a dummy,

    I agree that there is a lot of hate and vitriol spewed here. Try to have patience and love and most of all understanding. People react to different situations differently. Some have had horrendous experiences with the organization and this is a safe place for them to vent, spew, etc.

    Most of us here have middle of the road bad experiences and are just trying to connect with people who've had similar experiences (very few others can know what this path is like).

    One thing you mentioned intrigues the hell out of me:

    <<I am puzzled in that if this is'nt the TRUTH why did so many extraordinary things happen to me that convinced me at the time that I should rely on Jehovah and his organisation and join .....should I relate somethings that happened ? >>

    If you are patient with yourself, still and open to what the universe is telling you, you will see that Mormonism, being in the JW's, etc. is exactly what you needed to be who you are. I am only beginning to understand all of the "good" benefits and learning experiences that I gained via the witnesses (hard knocks, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!). But it was my soul's time to move on so I did.

    Find joy in every journey. Embrace who you are now and look forward to what's next--Buddhaism anyone? Philosophic atheism? The world is thy oyster, my new friend.



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Welcome to the forum. I was amazed when I started reading posts on this site . I just felt for the first time that there were other people that understood how I felt, and that could relate to some of the strange issue's JW's learn to live with. Please stick around and tell us your story . I've only been active on here for a few months ,but I can tell you there is a wealth of experience and good souls here .

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