Hi, welcome to the board! This guy sounds like a complete piece of shit JW. The sooner you are done with all those losers the better. We're here for you!
by Chimene 33 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, welcome to the board! This guy sounds like a complete piece of shit JW. The sooner you are done with all those losers the better. We're here for you!
The good thing is a lot of us have figured it out and have accepted our stupidity for what it was and where it came from. We realize the watchtower publications did not have all the answers as they said they did and the watchtowers definition of a man and a husband was fashioned after the whims old 19th century power and control freaks that looked at women as possessions and just one slight level above a slave.
Sorry I can not agree with this comment- We are told to treat women as Jesus treated the congregation, but the problem is that most often time, we are told to over look the faults of our marriage mate. However if the mate is abuses this should not mean that a wife has to over look this. No were in the bible did Jesus ever critize his Apostles or even put them down, even when they abandon him. Believe me people like Chimee exhusband him will get their due.
Welcome to the forum Chimene, you are right most of the JWs are hypocritical like their leaders. They don't care about character development but rather about going out to sell their books and magazines. Since Rutherford's days it's been like this.
You are as entitled to your own opinion as the next poster on this board but my comments were made according to my experience both in and out of the cult. As most here have experience, what the JW’s are encouraged to do and what is actually accepted is usually two different things.
I think the macho war like mentality of their mythical god slitters down into the flock of mindless sheep. Some men took it to the extreme and others were more human about it.
I’m sure I am not the only one here who has experienced what I observed. You may be the exception, If so, I’m happy for you.
Yes, he is a HUGE peice of s.h.i.t. and beyond. I have to say, I don't remember them so much as teaching to treat your wife as a slave, but it makes sense, since that is the way I was treated. He may as well have had papers on me, maybe it's also the mentality of where I am, South Carolina, and he is old school. I was born and raised in CA, lived here for 18 years now and still can't get used to it.
The teachings I remember were, don't be speaking disheartingly to your wife, love her as you love yourself. (he loved only himself) I told him, have you forgotten? Those that are puffed up with pride, men who are lovers of themselves, will be brought back down? He would laugh at me, I was totally serious. Not to mention, him not being the provider, and I was, "A man who does not provide, is like that of a man with no faith" doesn't that mean all that field service is being done in vein?
Welcome Chimene. I hope you can move on from this. I know it's hard sharing custody, but take the high road around your daughter to minimize the stress on her.
This is Satanic cult, that is why there is so much pain and rotten fruits.
Nothing will change in this cult, they can study the bible 20 x week, quote the bible every other word in the book and the same thing will happen, over and over again. Satan is divided, and this sect is his tool to destroy people.
This is same with gang members, they want to belong to the gang, regardless
how much rape, beating and abuse they get. They belive the gang have the "TRUTH" and they need the gang for salvation.
Same with JW Cult, they believe that the sect leaders hold the keys to their salvation. There is the same medicine for every problem: peddle more magazines for the Borg. You don't need the Borg, he need YOU for their miserable existence. Salvation come thru Jesus , not the Borg.
God is not with this satanic cult. They proved this by raping theirs own children, and kiling them and disfelloshiping them by thousands.
Welcome to the board, Chimene.
Just wait until he starts telling her you are going to die at Armageddon because you don’t love Jehovah anymore. That’s a classic one.
That is exactly what my ex tells my kids. It is a tool they use to alienate non-JW ex-spouses from their children. It is mind control and manipulation straight out of the depths of hell. One day the Watchtower is going to go down and every eye will see that.
Out of approximately 200 JW's I personally know, 2 of them are real.
1% - that's about right. Sorry for your predicament, but for many JW's, going out in service doesn't translate into trying to live a better life. It's just something they do to 'assure' their everlasting life and feel superior to the 'bad' non-JW's they meet in service who laugh at them for being stupid.
Yes, they are out preaching to save their own life. And most definitely a cult. What cracks me up is how right after they go out and preach, they go to someone's house, or a bar, and get snockered drunk, and start using every four letter word in the book.
I'm thinking yeah, your saving my life?