Red Cross JW comment

by startingover 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • startingover

    The following statement was on the Tort of misrepresentation essay with the credit being given to AJWRB.

    Vast quantities of blood must be donated by non Jehovah's Witnesses to provide all of the blood fractions and medicines used by Jehovah's Witnesses and their children. Please help replenish the supply - give blood.
    I was lead to believe that this was a Red Cross campaign slogan, but I clicked on the Red Cross link in AJWRB and I could not find this statement made on their site. Does anyone know about the above statement? Was it used at one time but not anymore?

  • blondie

    I would go back to their site AJWRB and send an e-mail to one of the board members and ask your question. Unless someone posting on here is on the board.


  • Ingenuous

    It appears to be text added by the AJWRB site to the banner, not a statement supplied by the Red Cross. Asking the AJWRB site owners is a good idea.

  • startingover

    I got this reply from AJWRB:

    I don't believe the Red Cross has ever made such a statment but AJWRB has.

    It appears that the "tort" essay misrepresented the statement that appeared on the AJWRB site. Just to confirm my sanity, does anyone else think this was misrepresented or did I misread it? The reference is on page 133 of the essay.

  • Oroborus21

    nice observation, just one of many...Eduardo

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I am unclear on the page number references, as I only have an abstract of the Journal Of Church And State, page numbers 783 through 822. What page from my abstract might correspond to the page you mention? I do remember reading something of that nature, but would not like to re-read this entire essay to find your reference. Thanks!

  • Odrade

    Poisoning the well, are you Oro? I would still like to know what your interest is in seeing that anyone who objects to Watchtower abuses is vilified?

  • greendawn

    So is it true that a lot of donated blood has to be used up for the JWs? If that is the case the dubs must also donate their own blood for the fractions that they use.

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