Welcome... EZRA!

by misspeaches 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    I see we have a new person on the board and I'd like to welcome Ezra.

    Ezra post away I am interested in what you have to say...

  • Sparkplug

    Howdy, from Texas!

  • ozziepost

    Where? where?

    Well, anyone who's a friend of misspeaches is a friend indeed!

    G'day Ezra and welcome aboard!


  • Legolas

    I see we have a new person on the board and I'd like to welcome Ezra.

    Ezra post away I am interested in what you have to say...

    Ezra is a JW.

    Just one of many who come on here with their wonderful spelling and grammer!

    It still baffles me that they come here and defend the WT and think it is ok when they would be disfellowshipped for it!

  • Honesty


    Please tell us your story.

    In the meantime, I'll give you a brief overview of mine:

    I am not a fornicator, adulterer, homosexual, or drunkard. I was involved in some of those things while a Jehovah's Witness in good standing. I even engaged in some of those activities while serving on the Body. I often wondered how the Holy Spirit could keep me on as a servant to the congregation while I was involved in activities that are condemned in God's Word. Then one day, Christ found me (you know, the 100 sheep parable in the Bible) and I accepted His offer to follow Him instead of the Watchtower Society. However, the Watchtower Society demands exclusive devotion and tried to prohibit me from following Jesus so now I am an apostate. I am so glad to be free so that I can follow Jesus now.

  • kid-A

    Words of wisdom from ezra:

    the watchtower keeps watch on world events to help us understand how close we are the watchtower usually focuses in its cover article about world situations that affect many people then with application of the scriptures shows how to best deal with these situations until he acts and shares with people about when these difficulties for mankind will end the watchtower articles deal mainly with deep spiritual thoughts and in depth research on anything that affects our spiritual well being also many study artticles take prophecy and breaks it down to easier understanding with scriptures throughout the bible that back up whta it discussed as for the destruction of all mankind but witnessess i have never seen people referred to as coakroaches or any other derogatory way some people behave badly and can be very cruel and some can be very kind it really is up to individuals which way they would like to live their lives.the organization will not water down the truth and lie to you about not taking decisive action to ensure your survival and the end of this system of things you have a right to exercise your free will you really can do what you want but not without consequences .in todays world if you break the law you are expected to understand the consequences but even then people dont think they should be punished.the watchtower and awake help people tp understand the bible better and it is also an invitation to learn more and to also have that opportunity for everlasting life.there are so many religions out there today that preach the bible but prove false to its teaching so it is understandable for you to be confused when there is a religion that refuses to compromise scriptural principles.

    Welcome brother, and are you enjoying your association with apostates? Remember to keep track of all your field service hours online!!!

  • ferret

    KidA How many other religions have made all the false predictions as what the WT has. NONE.For having the Awake magazine you are not very AWAKE.

  • daystar
    Words of wisdom from ezra:

    and so on...

    That is one of the longest run-on sentences I have seen in my life!

    and... welcome Ezra!

  • kid-A

    KidA How many other religions have made all the false predictions as what the WT has. NONE.For having the Awake magazine you are not very AWAKE

    Duh?? Really???? Ferret, are you an idiot? I pasted the words of a JW onto the post. I am an atheist apostate you dim-wit. Do you understand the concept of sarcasm???

  • Honesty
    I am an atheist apostate you dim-wit. Do you understand the concept of sarcasm???

    It takes a while to shed the WT indoctrination.

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