I am friends with a girl at work, even though she is the Union Steward and I am Management. We have a high regard and respect for one another. She was also raised a JW but left as a teen. Recently, somebody told me my friend had talked badly about me at a company meeting. I was hurt...she was still nice to my face. I cleared the air with her and she was shocked at what she supposedly said about me. She thanked me for coming to her rather than being hurt and just believing it. I felt really good driving home tonight. I had done the right thing, being loyal and open with my friend, Then I found myself wondering out loud: Does anyone in heaven really see us, or notice when we try to be a good person, and do the right thing? Is Jesus really up there? Does he care when we try to be good persons? What do you all believe? Is anyone watching us?
Is there anyone in heaven who cares?
by Virgochik 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Not so surte on that. If there is...that one has a sick sence of humor.
Yes Virgochik, there is some one in heaven who cares.
Your post caught my attention, but I was not sure what to say. However, this story kept coming to mind.
When I was 19, my mother caught my father haveing an affair. My father was a powerful man, in charge of his house, in charge of everyone in it. He also was in charge of the religous teachings. I was a daddy's boy. My father could do no wrong in my eyes. My father had raised us boys to fear God and walk the straigh and narrow.
Imagine my shock when I got the phone call from my mother telling me of the affair. I was crushed. I looked up to him. He taught me all I knew about right and wrong.
Driving home from work one day I suddenly thought, "what if all he taught me was wrong? How do I know.?" No sooner than this thought crossed my mind did an answer come. I knew these things I was taught were correct because I KNEW. The teacher may have done wrong, but that did not mean the truth he spoke was wrong. He connected me with the source. He was not important. Right than I knew that there was someone looking out for me. He could have let me doubt, start sliding down a slippery slope, but He didn't. I have never again wondered. I just knew. He wanted me. I'm not quite sure why He would want me with some of the things I have done, but thats another story.
Don't feel bad about wondering. We have many battles to fight, and one is doubt of His existance. Fight well.
My brother and I have reached the conclusion that God is quite apathetic. If he does exist, i dont think it matters whether we kill hundres of people or saved thousands with food programs. In the end, its all about if you have any regrets. My two cents.
I had done the right thing, being loyal and open with my friend,
Does superstitious beliefs in ancient tribal gods, add or subtract from the simple beauty of openness with a friend?
Be still, be wise, you have your own answers.
Sir it is always a pleasure to see you around, miss you around here.
Virgochik, in answer to your question, no I don't think he is there and it really does not matter. We should be kind, always. Regardless of who sees us.
I'm not sure, if someone is watching or watching out for us. Those who were close to us and have died, are there, possibly caring. But, do they actually do anything? Of the jewish duo, god and jesus, the god isn't there. Jesus? A good question.
There are other dimensions, and many people get comfort from the idea that things that can't be found here, like purpose, justice, unconditional love, eternal security exist there. Whether they do is an unanswered question, imo.
I am a Christian, so yes, I believe so. Because of the way I chose Christianity, I believe I was rescued from a condemned future. Often I feel like that leper who remembered to go back and thank Jesus.
On the other hand, as James Thomas says, doing the right thing comes with it's own reward. It's called integrity, and it is a very rare commodity these days. Too many people give it away without recognizing it's value, and realize too late they will pay all their lives for giving it away. I thank my dad for teaching me the value of integrity.
To illustrate it's value, here's a conversation I had with my teenage son's friend.
"Mrs. JGnat, I bet all those years you worked for your employer you never lied when you called in sick."
"That's right, Johnny."
"I bet you could call in sick any day of the week and they'd believe you."
"That's true, Johnny."
"Then why don't you just call in sick one day and take it off?"
"Well, Johnny, there's some things worth more than a day off work."
Thanks, everyone for giving me a lot of comments to ponder on. It does just feel good to be a kind and decent person, that is, when I manage to do that, lol! But, if we reflect God/Jesus qualities when we do good, I wonder why we never see any evidence of their existence, or their force in today's world? Or do we? Is the Bible the last contact God has made with humankind? Why can't he let us know he's still aware of us?
Acts 17 (CEV)
24 This God made the world and everything in it. He is Lord of heaven and earth, and he doesn't live in temples built by human hands. 25 He doesn't need help from anyone. He gives life, breath, and everything else to all people. 26 From one person God made all nations who live on earth, and he decided when and where every nation would be.
27 God has done all this, so that we will look for him and reach out and find him. He isn't far from any of us, 28 and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. "We are his children," just as some of your poets have said.