I totally agree with bebu.
You should have been able to say the things you did to him and have it discussed. He went to an unforgiveable extreme in my opinion. Men are able to read between the lines if someone says, "I don't think this will work." Holy shit! If you had to be THAT careful with what words came out of your mouth, what kind of a relationship is THAT??
If a guy doesn't have the ability to see that as a way of opening up a discussion, then what happened, would have eventually happened, the sooner the better.
It is human nature to use language in a variety of ways, not just EXPLICIT statements! The way you said it is obviously a nervous, careful treading way of saying, face saving way of saying, "I am scared shitless that this WON'T work."
Sounds like you may be better off without him in the long run and that this is going to open up some tender areas of dependancy, self growth, maturity, self confidence issues within yourself. You go girl.