...on the outside of your clothes?
What gives with all those 20th century Superhero-types?
LT, of the "befuddled and bemused" class
by LittleToe 34 Replies latest jw friends
...on the outside of your clothes?
What gives with all those 20th century Superhero-types?
LT, of the "befuddled and bemused" class
Yes, it seems a bit odd; and I imagine especially so to someone who is accustomed to wearing a kilt with no underwear at all.
ROFL - you sly dawg, you - I didn't even think of that angle
(tries to take her mind off that particular angle)
Lmao @ James!
Most of them have underwear outside their clothes, don't they?!
Hey - what so funny about men in skirts? They are the preferred dress of Gladiators and none dares laugh at me in the arena.
We who are about to die curtsy to you!
with most young folk today..it doesnt matter that they dont actually wear underwear outside their clothing...cos they belt their trousers (pants..u.s) at their knees anyway
I can see how wearing ones underwear on the outside could be very comfortable... but I find that no underwear is even better!
-Elsewhere, of the I like to Post in the Buff Class
Tij - I must have missed you on channel 4 at 11pm last night ... another of my friends was on More 4 at the same time in "Super Size Me"
Would I get superpowers?