I don't take any issue with your premise about "evasion" but, alas, you've continued to run completely off of the field with the ball. Do you really know what you're doing, by attempting to dismantle peoples' mental tools?
Oh dear, you've gone all hysterical on me!
Give you an inch of an idea and you'll take a mile.
Let me respond by saying this by way of clarification.
You are mixing two different concepts together and calling the both MYSTICISM. Y
I'm separating the actual from the imaginary and adding a caution.
When you think in hypotheticals there is nothing wrong with using the imagination as a tool. It is when you lose track of the imaginary content of your thoughts and start believing they are real that you get into trouble.
NOBODY advocating that you stop conjecture, supposition and analogous thought AS A TOOL to solving a problem.
I'm saying two things:
1.Know the real from the unreal and don't mix up the labels.
2.Don't believe somebody else's hypotheticals when they are presented as invisible actuals.
Mysticism deals with an AUTHORITY claiming they've got important information that YOU cannot get without going through them. When you ask HOW they get their information they resort to mumbo jumbo.