Dreams, dreams, dreams.

by cyd0099 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyd0099

    In the last two weeks I have had three dreams in which the Dubs were featured.

    In one I dressed up in a suit and revisited my old Kingdom Hall™, all the while recording the reactions of everyone to my return with a palm sized camera. I was swarmed and they all seemed glad to see me, but nobody noticed my camera.
    [it was funny, the night I had this dream, my girlfriend had dreams of captivity and of being restrained]

    The other dream was that a pair of girls which had come into my shop earlier in the evening had obtained my cell phone number and called me because they heard I was a Dub and they wanted to ask me out on a date. Strangeness...

    The third is too vague to retell, I just remember it was about going out in service™.

    Why are they invading my sleep?

  • daystar

    Every once in a while I will have a dream with its location at an assembly. It's odd, but I don't think much of it.

    The unconscious mind tries to help you work out problems, imbalances, etc., but it converses in imagery and subtleties.

    If you're looking for meaning, write down the contents of these dreams immediately upon waking. Seek to know thyself and assess what the imagery within the dreams mean to you.

    And whatever you do, do not rely upon someone else to interpret specifics for you. While your own interpretations may be incomplete, someone else's are going to be almost assuredly wrong. Guidance is okay, but meaning comes from within.

  • cyd0099

    I think it's just because I have been spending a bit more time here on the board and I read a large portion of silentlambs all in one sitting the other night.

  • delilah
    Hi CYD...funny you should post a thread on this subject. I had a dream last night, that I was having a blood transfusion, and my mom came over,(I seem to be having it in home ) in any case, when she arrived, I yanked it out, and made a real mess all over my couch. How weird is that? I'd been reading all the threads about the blood issue, the past few days.
  • daystar
    I think it's just because I have been spending a bit more time here on the board and I read a large portion of silentlambs all in one sitting the other night.

    Heh heh, probably so.

  • greendawn

    Did you try to analyse your dreams? Do you subconsciously have a strong desire to return to the dubs, and it shows in your dreams?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interesting you should mention it. I had two last nite.

    One was about me staying in the home of an elder that I used to know [he was truly a Pharisee]. In it, he showed me a $300 toaster that he intended to give to his high folooting daughter as a gift. It even had $300 embossed on the side and it would toast dozens of bread at the same time. In his house he had a guy doing construction and another reworking his deck. Just wierd and disconnected.

    The other was about me sneaking out of a house while in field service, grabbing the PO's car and going into a bad neighborhood to try and find a place to go to the bathroom. I got lost and was panicy about getting caught.


  • Robdar

    Hi Cyd,

    I suspect that your dreams of the org may go on for years. After 20 years out, I still, occasionally, dream of Armageddon and going out in field service. It takes a long time to get over the damage done to your psyche by the WTBTS. Stick around, the members on this board will do all they can to help you heal.

    Welcome to the forum.


  • undercover

    I don't normally have dreams about JW life, but I did the other night. It was pretty vivid. In this dream I was being surrounded by family and friends who kept badgering me to come back to the hall. I snapped and let loose with a tirade of everything wrong with the WTS and JWs. I knew as I let loose with a torrent of apostate evidence that I was doomed. I knew that I would be DAd and part of me was relieved. Relieved to get on with it and be done with it. Let the chips fall where they may.

    After I woke up I tried to analyze the dream as best I could and the best I could come up was that since I have been a fader for several years, and a fairly successful one at that I might add, there has been no real sense of closure. Becoming an inactive fader isn't like being in a movie where the hero survives the enemies attempts to kill him and he helps bring down the evil empire and is proven right to everyone in the audience. Even though I know where I'm at, there are times that it would be nice to just let out that I revoke any and all things JW so that everyone can see that I'm not just some backsliding, weak, slacker JW, but that I have taken a stance be it one they may not like.

  • misspeaches

    When I first came here and began reading I had nightmares all the time that were JW related. It was really distressing. I almost got to the point I was going to stop coming here to stop the nightmares!

    Anyway they settled down which was good. I found my dreams tend to reflect the progress of my journey. I've had ones where I am sitting at the meeting and suddenly realise that what they are preaching from the stage is wrong and I get all upset right there in the hall. Further down the track I've dreamt that I've been able to talk to family members and reason with them and get them out. Stuff like this.

    So yes your dreams will be reflective somewhat of where you are up to in your exiting I think.


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