I’ve been thinking about the level of control the organization demands of its’ followers. Some of the things listed below are things that normal people take for granted. Some are the most basic of human desires.
* Cannot vote
* Cannot serve in the military
* Cannot salute the flag
* Cannot celebrate Birthdays
* Cannot celebrate any holidays
* Cannot have a blood transfusion
* Cannot go to college
Earlier in its’ history the society’s teachings involved the following, but changed over time:
* Cannot marry (I know because my parents put off marriage for 10 years because of the society’s teaching about marriage)
* Cannot have children (I was pregnant in 1975…imagine the reaction that prompted!)
* Cannot have a vaccination (my parents put off vaccinating me until 4 th grade because of this.)
* Cannot have an organ transplant (dad died because of this one)
And the behavioral control
* Cannot associate with or even talk to family members or friends who leave the organization
* A woman must be in subjection according to the society’s definition of the term.
* Cannot question the organization or its’ teachings for any reason.
* Must attend all meetings and assemblies
* Must prepare for all those meetings
* Must go from door to door and report that time
* Must dress according to jw standards
And the information control…
* Internet use strongly discouraged
* Research outside of organization publications strongly discouraged
* Absolute forbidding to read any anti-jw literature
* Strongly discouraging reading of old literature…their own publications!
Then there were silly things like…
* No aluminum cookware
* Daily sun baths…while bouncing…
* No beards
There are lots more…but even this short list is enough to alarm any thinking person.
Just how much freedom and how many rights are jws willing to forfeit in order to remain in good standing? Some of these policies have resulted in death, others in broken families, unfulfilled dreams and wasted talents. If a government imposed these laws on their subjects, every human rights group on the planet would be all over them. But, it’s a “religion,” so it gets a pass.
And what does a jw get for all this sacrifice? A life of mental and spiritual slavery…with the “hope” of life in a “new system” that seems to get further away with each year. How does conforming to this list have anything to do with a relationship with God?