by badboy 12 Replies latest jw friends
Taker # 1
Yes, in the last two congregations I was in there was an elder in each assigned to work with young people. The elder in the last congregation was sincerely concerned about the lack of interest the youths showed for spiritual matters and the negative impact he felt this was having on their lives. This was not an organized effort though.
Work with youth
Work assignmentss for youth
Only one youth---others died on the vine and left due to lack of interest
If the elders do "work with youth," they concentrate only on the young men and assign the "job" of working with the young women to the "mature" sisters. Young men are potential MS and elders and do the "chores" in the KH. For every male youth the elders keep in that means they are less likely to have to do the microphones.
Work assignments for male youth (even unbaptized)
Timing talks for school overseer
Handing out school assignment slips
Putting away the magazines and literature
Vacuuming (for men only; sisters assigned to toilets; in this area anyway)
Do you mean something like Turning Point or Upward Basketball?
The WT cult has no clue when it comes to ministering to and sharing the Gospel of Jesus with young people.
The WT cult doesn't know Jesus or the Gospel.
Absolutely not. The Society doesn't really think that stuff like this is important. After all, shouldn't youths be soley preoccupied with spiritual matters in these Last Days?
Nothing from the organization... Children were supposed to be like miniature adults.
My parents planned things though. Every assembly my mom would take as many kids as she could fit in the car, and between the sessions we went to local historic sites. For example, at an assembly in Plymouth, MA we went to Plymouth Rock and the local museum. Another in New Bedford and she took us to the Whaling Museum...
We had lots of get togethers at our home...hayrides, skating parties etc.
There was absolutely nothing, only an elder once tried to show some interest and talk about the need to help the youngsters more, but he soon left for another country.
Yeah, it was called: "Go outside and cut the grass. When you're done come back inside and clean the toilets."
So sad....
Of course, on the other hand, with so many sexual predators...
that is one thing when I was going to the hall as a youth I was envious of other churches. They all had youth groups etc etc that actually did some coll stuff. The only interest the elders took in us if God Forbid we played some tackle football and elder son Jimmy got hurt or picked on so we would all get called in like cattle and told how we are evil because we played football.