beards not a rule but!!!
by frogit 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
he he frogit.....yes the beard thing is so incredibly ridiculous.
we have finally left the JW's and hubby has started to grow a beard. I've never seen him with a beard and man he is hotttt with one! he should have grown one years ago......
I need hotting up a bit, maybe I should grow a Beard ..... :-)
frogit -
That is one of the most frustrating subjects in jw land. There is no official rule, but there is an unspoken, unwritten rule that is strictly enforced. I even know of ones who have written letters to the society about it, and the society wrote them back that there is no rule. And yet, it seems to be universal in every congregation: try coming to the hall with a beard or a goatee and see how you get treated. It's like tatooing 666 on your forehead.
Back in the winter of 1983 I was working in Oswego, NY on a nuclear powerhouse project. My JW family stayed in Florida. After a couple months I came home for a week of R&R with a nice beard I had grown. It caused a big shock at the KH. However, I had several servants approach me and admit that they wished they could grow a beard ,too.
I had many compliments from sisters - they liked my beard, too. I had never seen a brother in good standing with a beard in my 16 years with them. They can't allow any personal freedom to creep in to their JW lives.
I knew several brothers who were stepped down from their positions as Elders or MS for growing a beard. I always found it insane, even as a kid. God gave you facial hair, so grow it if you want.
My husbands hypocrite JW relative was growing a goatee when we saw him at !Christmas!. (This is when we told him we were out). He decided to tell on us, but before he did it, he shaved the goatee. Go figure.
yep. beards are a great time.
the thing about the WTS and beards is that it's not like they have a good reason for this rule. they have it because they are starched, white collar, conservative bible sales men. it makes sense when you think about it.
Morning all,
I used to wear a beard off and on, and there was always someone who would make a comment about it.
Even the elders would make comments about going out in service and such.I was even told that no one would go out in service with me, but they did, bunch of hypicrites!
The WTS does not believe in unconditional love, everything is based on conditional love, heck it's not even love,
it's a front to suck you in and dry.Acadian
HAHAHAHA...i have the funniest beard story. when i was about 17 i grew a small soul chip under my lip. while at break during sat. morning service one day one of the elders commented about it. he said "you won't be able to read the watchtower on stage if you keep that beard". i told him that it was a soul chip and if he had such a big problem with it then take it up with the PO who also has a soul chip, however he was black. man did i get in some hot water over that. i ended up shaving but it was nice to make my point known. looking back i find it quite humorous.