This wasn`t to difficult. The old white guy on the right (from now on referred to as "the old white guy" is the bad-cop. He will remain silent thruout the conversation, and only raise his voice if a "problem" arise (like if the young man in the middle, from now on referred to as "the burnoffering", was to ask a critical question. The young black guy (from now on referred to as "the young black guy") is the good-cop. The burn-offering in the middle is the innocent man being "shepherded" (indoctrinated). The reasons are: The old (white) guy is the bad-cop. These older elders don`t have to talk so much, they can just base all their guidance on their status in the congregation, as life-long JWs, men who have "served Jehovah" thruout their entire lives. They don`t have to talk much, because their job is not so much to guide, it is more to over-see, to "pull out the weed" when it is necessary. So this guy will most likely be listening very carefully, to constantly making notes (either in his head or on a paper) as to how the young burnofferings "spiritual state/attitude" is, if there is hope of again to pull him back into the fold of happy, unpaid magazine-publishers, or if he is on the way to apostacy and DFing and you know, a horrible, violent death at Armageddong (because "it`s just around the corner"). The extreme dominance of the old white guy can be seen also in his body language. His legs are separated, he`s dangling his penis and testicles freely, a clear way for a dominant male to show how dominant and cool he is, both in showing his huuuuge, hairy testicles, and in showing that even though this is his weak point too (which any guy that has taken a soccer-ball in the nuts can testify to ) - he is not afraid. It is almost as if he looks like he wants to just stand up, get up on the coffee table, pull down his pants and start shaking his stuff around. In adition to this, he has a big, fat tie, another way for dominant males to show their superiority (the tie is an age-old fallos-symbol). The Bible he is holding in his hand is not really being used/read, it`s just there to give a heavenly justification and mandate to the old white guys gigantic testicles.
The young black guy is doing most of the talking. He wears glasses, which really makes him look a bit like a geek. No matter how politically correct we become, there is this thing deep inside of us that will always look a glasses as a sign of weakness (it`s almost a part of our biology). He is "weak", a nerd, but in addition to this, he is an "intellectual" (or as close to an intellectual you can get on planet JW). Therefore, he will be doing the actual "studying" with the young burnoffering (they`re in the process of reading a Bible passage now - carefully ripped out of context, probably in Joel, to suit the issue in the Watctower which they are really studying, probably the importance of abstaining from sexual imorality and avoiding college, and instead devoting ones young and healthy years in Jehovahs and his "mouthpiece on earth, the Watchtower Society"`s, service). He is actually reading this particular Bible passage. He is the submissive male among the two "spiritual shepherds", shown clearly by the fact that his legs are not just closed, they are pressed firmly together, almost crushing his ridicolously small, tiny testicles under and into his own bottom.
The young burnoffering is pretty innocent in all of this.. Fortunately for him, I don`t think he even knows what is going on