Personally, I can never see the point of d/a ing oneself, although I accept that others may have had personal reasons.
As I see it . As of now things are ok. You could go to the hall if you wanted to accompany the family, witnesses can visit your house without having to consider whether you might be at home. Your wife is obliged to view you as the family head.
If you d/a - she will be told to have "limited " association, she would not be permitted to have a scriptural discussion. Anything you say and any opinion that you hold would be viewed as "Satanic". Your impressionable children may well be brought up to view you as the enemy of their faith and future salvation .
I would do all things possible to keep communication open. As the kids get older try and reason with them . Get them to always ask "Why", teach them to think critically. Always expose them to the view that the WTS is not the only teacher. And help them get worldly friends.
Who knows? a good many wives have been won over and helped out of the Borg, but you have to keep communication open