by stillAwitness 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jojochan
    Those who should seek HLC: pregnant sisters, childern, those due to go into surgery (even if it is somethng minor) In fact, it is better to contact the HLC before choosing a surgeon

    O RLY?

    Seriouly folks. They now what they are doing. I could go on about this but I'm too tired of this....

    They really have TOO much stroke.


  • rebel8

    Seriously--read the links Blondie posted. Sickening. Sample:

    Equally important -- what NOT to say: "We believe in resurrection."

  • Pistoff

    Note this sickening phrase:

    "conserve the life of the child"..

    What a nice euphemism for SAVE the child's life.

    I just really really hate these guys. This newest letter convinces me that the WT leaders, esp. Teddy J, have decided to clamp down and not back away from even the STUPIDEST doctrine of all: the avoidance of a modern day medical procedure based on the food choices of a desert wandering tribe.

    WAKE UP, WT.

  • kid-A

    "conserve the life of the child"..

    They are such cynical bastards. Translation: make sure they live long enough to at least peddle a few magazines...

    Even the ones that die, the GB knows they can just slap their picture on a future watchtower and hail them as martyrs. Sad that we live in a society that still permits child sacrifice.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Least anyone get the idea that HLC members know more than the physicians
    and surgeons with whom they talk:

    The HLC does provide the service of speaking for the JW who does not know
    what fractions are permitted by WTS dogma. Virtually every JW falls into
    the category of “Ignorant” when it comes to allowed substances.

    HLC members are treated with respect by most doctors and other hospital
    staff. Sincere JW patients usually represent to all who care for them that
    the HLC speaks for them. Many JWs are relieved that they do not have to
    answer difficult questions about what and why they are making certain
    choices about blood therapy.

    When the HLC is not present, doctors “roll their eyes” regarding what the
    HLC members say and do. The arguments and “reasoning” of the official
    WTS dogma is so unreasonable to these educated people that JWs and the HLC
    are held in derision. Having observed the conduct of the HLC, doctors
    nick-name them “The Gestapo.”

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