Hi I am a newbie here- but have been reading a lot of the ex jw boards and websites for a while as a newly minted evil apostate :). So I remember hearing -here or somewhere else, I can't remember, that tonight at the "Theocratic Ministry School" or "Kingdom Ministry School" (??? aah- I can't even remember if that is the name - I haven't gone to a meeting in ~ 4 years or so) they are going over some new information on the blood issue. I don't think it is "new light" but maybe a clarification on their stance...? Please -if someone knows could you reply? I am planning on attending to get the scoop first hand because if I can pick up some inconsistencies, about-faces or whatever I can use that first hand knowledge to confront my mom with. Also my sister who never bought into the JW thing as a kid (I did, hook line and sinker...) would like to know too. I just don't want to waste my Thursday night if there is nothing big going on tonight. Although it would be a kick to go through a meeting with the binders off, seeing it for what it is- haven't actually done that yet. Thank you thank you thank you. Kudra
BLOOD @ tms tonight???
by Kudra 14 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Kudra, you might wanna peruse this thread for all the info you need on this issue.....or try ajwrb website.
Here is the letter that is being read:
Forget the TMS and the Service Meeting. Survivor "Exile Island" is premiering tonight. I've never missed a show.
Be prepared for the LOVE BOMBING you are going to be in for.
Unless... it's your old hall and then you'll be shunned for not attending for 4 years.
I don't get why these things are addressed only to "Brothers".
Thank you all for the information.
Does anyone have a scan of the "old" blood letter that they tell the elders to "destroy"? Or maybe a reference to a thread here that discusses it- call me lazy but I only got ~ halfway through the 17 pages on the blood thread I was referenced to... I woiuld like to follow along with the old letter to see all the changes.
It is a hall that i've been to once last year cause I told my mom i'd go to the memorial. No one said a word to me. I cant remember if I was in pants or not. (versus a dress- i'm female)
Well, I'll probably go anyway to spy even though I've seen the scan of the letter...
Thanks again everyone and enjoy survivor island or whatever show that you enjoy tonight. i'll be watching a train-wreck. :)
Kudra -
oh, i also want to agree with willowmoon about addressing stuff to the "brothers". That would make me FUMING MAD. So were they, like, not talking to the 65% of the JWs that are female?! The "sisters" carry basically ALL the preaching load for the JWs.
I felt like walking out of the meetings when they started off their talks with "brothers we admonish you to... blah blah blah..." and saying- well, this OBVIOUSLY doesn't apply to ME!
ok- letting go of the anger... :)
Kudra -
Frannie Banannie
Does anyone have a scan of the "old" blood letter that they tell the elders to "destroy"? Or maybe a reference to a thread here that discusses it- call me lazy but I only got ~ halfway through the 17 pages on the blood thread I was referenced to... I woiuld like to follow along with the old letter to see all the changes.
I think AJWRB site has it. On JWD, I'm sure Elsewhere, Lady Lee, or Danny Hazard or Blondie can get you one.
Reading this brought back a lot of angry feelings. Like the use of the word "wisely" in reference to having some kind of super duper insurance to pay for costly non blood procedures or "wisely" carrying around a NO BLOOD card in your wallet. After decades of leaving witnesses and the local okie elders to deal with their traumatic, emergency, blood situations they have come up with these committees to help them make stupid decisions with the Societys' direct input. Of course, Kerry Loudermilk-Pooter has now made their presentation to doctors a lot trickier. But the main thing about this letter is what it doesn't say or even elude to. The fact that you still better be prepared to let your loved one die. Why not sum up the letter with a statement like "of course, if all other recourse fails and a faithful Christian or their minor dependant should die for lack of a simple blood transfusion then we take comfort in knowing they will resurrected after Armageddon (which, last time we checked, was due sometime maybe in the latter half of this century, but don't hold us to that. After all, we're only human" ) Sorry, but the people who let the WTB$TS deal with them this way deserve what they get, ala, Darwins theory in action.