If JWs "suffer" persecution it will make them feel as if they are fulfilling Bible prophecy. They like thinking and believing that they are chosen to be abused and persecuted. If any political upheavals occur, they look at it as a sign to say that the end is near. What a pathetic religion!
Jehovah's Witnesses Are Awaiting Persecution!
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
They like thinking and believing that they are chosen to be abused and persecuted.
Yes well I hope we're doing our bit.
Just this last week I was told by two different Borg Drones the above. They really do get off on persecution.
Puleeeze...remember all the assemblies and literature? About the poor brother who walked 5 miles through swamps with alligators to get to 3 meetings a week plus field service. Or the poor sister who has 10 kids and an opposing husband who still managed to get her kids in dress clothes and to the meetings. My aunt is one of those who loves to savor in her misery and in conversation and parts she had at meetings and assemblies where she gave her personal experience, and she'd always end up in tears..(she pioneered and had health problems, but it wasn't that bad..girl, you never worked a day in your life, your husband did)...anyway it'd get to the point of ad nauseam.
Oddly, it's sort of a Jewish thing...God's chosen people who are persecuted for his glory.
If I was God, I'd want my adherents to be happy and having a good time partying. No 40 years wandering the wilderness or 5 meetings a week and 10 hours a month peddeling magazines for my worshipers!
Just my 2 cents
NYC, i guess you ain't GOD.
Witness 1:1 "And thou shalt thought to be a cult by the world"
*** w04 8/15 p. 12 Hated Without Cause ***Jesus said that his followers would be "objects of hatred by all people" on account of his name. (Matthew 10:22) Further, the apostle Paul wrote that all of God’s servants—including each one of us—should expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)
w02 7/15 p. 10 Add Godly Devotion to Your Endurance ***. As those living with "godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus," we expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)
w01 5/1 p. 14 Maintain Your Joy in Jehovah’s Service ***As Christians, we too expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)
w01 5/1 p. 14 Maintain Your Joy in Jehovah’s Service ***As Christians, we too expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)
w01 6/1 p. 22 Moving Ahead to Final Victory! ***Realistically, Jehovah’s Witnesses expect persecution to continue. Opposition will cease only when Satan’s system has gone down in final defeat.
*** w98 5/15 p. 16 The Quality of Your Faith—Tested Now ***
Christ made it clear to his disciples that they could expect persecution and other difficulties because of their adhering to God’s standards. (Matthew 10:34; 24:9-13; John 16:33) Nonetheless, joy can result from such tests.
*** w95 3/15 p. 19 Benefits of Fearing the True God ***
That same conviction strengthens true Christians to hold firmly to Jehovah’s ways even when their lives are threatened. They know that they must expect persecution from the world. They realize that the apostles were flogged and that Jesus Christ himself was beaten and killed by wicked men. (Mark 14:65; 15:15-39; Acts 5:40; compare Daniel 3:16-18.)
*** w87 6/15 p. 30 ‘God Will Finish Your Training’ ***
When Peter spoke about God’s training of us, he was particularly referring to persecution. He showed that Christians should expect persecution: "Keep your senses, be watchful. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone."—1 Peter 5:8; see also 2 Timothy 3:12.
*** w87 8/1 p. 9 Preparation to Face Persecution ***
Continuing his preaching instructions, Jesus says: "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his lord." So Jesus’ followers must expect to receive the same ill-treatment and persecution as he did for preaching God’s Kingdom
*** w85 11/15 p. 12 Can You Prepare Now for Persecution? ***
Remember, if we are truly Jesus’ followers, we should expect persecution. (John 15:20)
*** w85 11/15 p. 15 Can You Prepare Now for Persecution? ***
Jesus said that persecution of Christians would be a part of the sign of the time of the end; hence, we should always expect it. (Matthew 24:9)
*** w82 4/15 p. 17 ‘Happy Are You When People Persecute You’ ***Persecution to Be Expected
*** w82 4/15 p. 17 ‘Happy Are You When People Persecute You’ ***
) As the apostle Paul pointed out in his second inspired letter to Timothy, persecution is something Christians have to expect. He wrote: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted."—2 Timothy 3:12
*** w82 4/15 p. 19 ‘Happy Are You When People Persecute You’ ***
Jesus Christ and his apostles and disciples in the first century experienced persecution, so Christians in these "last days" of this system of things can expect to have to endure persecution. Jesus foretold that as a part of the composite "sign" of the end of this system of things. He said: "Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name."—Matthew 24:9.
*** w81 4/15 p. 25 From Despair to Joy ***
The Witnesses told me to expect persecution, perhaps from my own household
*** w80 9/1 p. 8 Bible Truth Shows the Way to Security ***
Followers of Jesus Christ take a neutral position with regard to human political affairs and conflicts. For this, they expect to encounter persecution in some places.
*** w78 3/1 p. 6 The Sermon on the Mount—Happinesses 6 Through 9 ***
The approval of Jehovah God rests only upon persons who speak and act in accord with his Word. (Ps. 15:1, 2) Those who do that, however, can expect persecution, for Jesus said: "If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also."—John 15:20.
*** w76 5/1 pp. 280-281 Not Holding Our Lives Too Dear ***
) So Christians are encouraged even though they expect persecution
*** w75 8/15 Do Not Let Yourself Be Sidetracked in the Race for Life ***
Why do Christians expect persecution because of not becoming involved in nationalism?
*** w73 2/15 p. 104 Why Does "Faith in the Name" of Jesus Christ Bring Life? ***
Even as Christians back then experienced persecution, we can expect the same today, for Jesus foretold: "Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name."—Matt. 24:9.
*** w70 6/1 p. 338 Remain "Healthy in Faith" ***
Of course, you can expect opposition, even violent persecution, for Jesus Christ said his followers would experience such things. (Matt. 10:34-36; John 15:18-20)
*** w66 10/1 p. 593 Christians Must Expect Persecution ***
*** w64 1/15 p. 59 Persevering Despite Opposition Brings Rejoicing ***
In the face of all this opposition I was greatly encouraged by a letter that I received from the president of the Watch Tower Society at that time, J. F. Rutherford. His letter included this paragraph: "You may expect increased persecution from those who have the spirit of the adversary, because he sees his kingdom is rapidly falling. All the followers of the great King of kings should be encouraged to push forward now with renewed zeal as we behold his Kingdom dashing to pieces Satan’s empire and the establishment of righteousness at hand."
If persecution is a sign of being on the true path then sign me up to Allah!
The only ones who are persecuted are the JWD posters who have to deal with both our our daily questions...
jh, THEY LOVE IT......NOT.